
New Year


New Year is usually associated with a fresh start. However, the question to ponder about is what exactly does a fresh start mean? Does a fresh start mean that we leave all our trouble behind and not try to clean up the mess? Shouldn’t we be trying to fix what has gone wrong? More importantly, can we start afresh only at the beginning of a new year?

I would like to believe that you can start fresh at any moment. The second I feel that my life is not turning out the way it is supposed to be should be the time I could start afresh. I shouldn’t have to wait for Day 1 of the year to bring about changes. A fresh start should be changing all your bad experiences while never forgetting them. One should learn to accept the past and make peace with it. A new beginning should be exhilarating, one that makes you feel that everything in the world is infinite. You should be able to feel that you are infinite and capable of achieving anything in the wide spectrum of possibilities. Most importantly, you should decide that anything in the whole wide world that is not able to match with this feeling is perhaps something you should not bother about.

This is because life is too long and somewhere along the line we start losing ourselves to the mundane things about it and stop living. We forget that living is all about jubilation, euphoria, and ecstasy. So when we do get the sense to start afresh, it is important to decide not to lose ourselves all over again to the drudgery aspect of life. So take the trip that you have been long planning to or throw out all the old stuff that is of no use and just occupying space in your closet. Anything that will help you to kick-start your new beginning, you should do it. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to do it. This is because if you wait for a specific occasion, you will never be able to do it. Seize the day because after all ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’.


Feature Image Credits: Videezy

Anukriti Mishra

[email protected]

Many of us decide New Year resolutions for ourselves with a plan to improve in the coming year. But many of us fail to keep up with the pledge.

A New Year’s resolution is a pledge one makes in terms of behavior or actions so that the person improves their life or achieves any set goal. It has become a very popular tradition by now. And as a part of the tradition, we too make resolutions for the coming year. It’s just that many of us fail to keep up with the pledge made.
With such grit and determination we make those promises telling ourselves to be a better person. These resolutions are made regarding a lot of things but as per Statistic Brain, the most common ones are weight loss, self-improvements and better financial decisions at 21.4%, 12.3% and 8.5% respectively. Talking about improving ourselves, there wouldn’t be a better time to initiate something positive with a new year. A new beginning to our lives.

But the fact is, those planned improvements remain as an unfulfilled thought within the head. As per Business Insider India, 80% of the resolutions fail by the second week of February! That’s a staggeringly terrible number which reflects how disciplined we actually are towards our goals. These numbers are convincing enough to question our commitment levels towards our objectives. We can take the deciding up of New Year’s Resolution as a simple example of achieving our goals. It is a goal like any other long-term goal and the execution of the goal is the reality of our actions to achieve those goals.

We listen to motivational speeches and successful people talking about attitude, commitment and so on. These decorated words seem so attractive and energizing to us. Only if we could apply these words into actions. According a report published by Forbes a few years back, only 8% of the people carry on with their resolutions throughout the year. The number wouldn’t have risen a lot if it did at all in the years that followed the report. This does not mean that those 8% of the people will be the successful one necessarily, but they certainly have a better attitude than us. And if they are so consistent, don’t they become the deserving ones to taste success?

Again, judging something so vast on the mere parameter of New Year’s resolution would not be valid by any means. But the point being made is that it is these kinds of promises that check our ability and discipline. The resolution is a small example depicting our activities. Our dedication levels should not be limited to a single aim or activity. It should be on all fronts. After all, such an attitude will give reap us the fruits for our good deeds. So why don’t we start with something as random yet meaningful as the New Year’s resolution? At the end of the day, the very aim of the resolution is to make us better.


Feature Image Credits: Bucks Happening

Karan Singhania
[email protected]

Still have no plans for the coming days? Worry not, we have a list for you whether you plan to go stag or make a bash with your friends.

The National Capital has a number of parties and events lined up for you across the upcoming days. We bring to you our top three pick specially curated for you, your friends, or your family.

1. Smaaash New Year Carnival at Gurugram

Located at the DLF Cyber Hub, Cyber City, Smaaash is the perfect destination for Arcade Games, food and Drinks. This is the go-to location if you want to step into the New Year high on action. The event gets rolling at 8 PM on 31st.

2. New Year Bash Party at JLN Stadium

With artists like Sharry Maan, DJ Sonali Katyal, Rapture Dhol Mix Nites, Qisaa The Band and many more lined up, this event at the JLN is the perfect destination if you want to start early, as the gala starts by 6 in the evening on 31st December.

3. New Year Bash at the Lord of the Drinks Meadow

Located at the New Deer Park in Hauz Khas Village, this certainly is the best choice if you are fine with shedding a few extra bucks for the classiest experience. With DJ Sam scheduled to arrive, this would be nothing short of a perfect way to look forward to a perfect New Year.

Go ahead, make your choice and secure your booking at the official website of these venues.


Feature Image Credits: AllWording

Nikhil Kumar
[email protected]

New Year resolutions often end up being made with a lot of hope and promise, but end up being discarded about halfway through January.

New Year’s resolutions are very hard to keep. What starts off as an extension of the idealistic “New Year, New Me” ideas is then supposed to carry onto a whole year, which sounds just impractical. The idea that we can instantly, magically transform ourselves only at a particular time of the year defeats the purpose of self-improvement. Sure, for those who are able to accomplish these self-defined goals might see their value, but for most of the general population they seem unattainable.

Maybe, it has to do with the fact that the motivation for resolutions comes only once a year. After that initial push and flurry of excitement towards accomplishing a newly put forward goal wears off, we lack the motivation towards fulfilling that task. However, what must be understood is that instead of seeking constant motivation towards achieving something, we should instead look for discipline. On days when we don’t find the motivation to do things, we needn’t stop and hope for it to arrive by itself. We should continue preparation towards it constantly, even when we don’t feel like. So that, on the days we have the motivation, we are prepared to utilise it the best way possible. Even keeping realistic, easily achievable resolutions becomes difficult when we wait for things to just go our way. Instead, let’s work in a way so that we progress daily, little by little, by keeping our discipline, and not running after motivation. That way, we won’t need the push of “New Year, New Me” or other catchy slogans to remind ourselves of the fact that we hold the power to change, any time we want.


Feature Image Credits: Beyond Entertainment Blog

Rishika Singh
[email protected]

New Year Resolution has been a funny custom we’ve observed since childhood, but is strangely one of those few which haven’t been forced onto us as “tradition”.

But has it been any good to invest the mind into all those never accomplished Resolutions? Before venturing on to rant about it, let us peep into the origin of the custom that helps us realise our levels of procrastination!

Peeking into its history, we find that the “New Year Resolution” custom comes from the Babylonians who were believed to make promises to their Gods in hopes of earning good favour in the coming year. Quite akin to many of us, their resolutions were also centered around getting out of debt in the year ahead. Moreover; it was our very own friend, Julius Caesar who made January the first month of the year in honour of the Roman god of beginnings, Janus. The two traditions were gradually adopted by the people of different civilisations.

It was however after the Americans’ adoption of the custom that the world started to follow it blindly, just like every other American custom.

But hang on! What we need to ask ourselves is, “Do we really need a New Year Resolution, despite knowing the never materialising outcome of it?” Why is it necessary to burden the mind with yet another unachievable task, adding on to the long list of to-do’s, just because of our American counterparts’ decision to make a resolve each year? A New Year Resolution tells us to start afresh and take up one or more than one task of self improvement, which sounds like an amazing idea at the face of it. But is it really easy to disregard all that is already going on in life and resolve to figure out an all new issue on January first? We’re all caught up in one or the other issue at all times in our life, so why not solve those issues, close an old chapter and start off with a new resolution the other day! Every morrow brings to us an opportunity to close old chapters bothering our existence, and start off with a resolve to make life better. So why wait for the coming January to make it a happier existence?

Adding to the misery is the fact that these resolutions we’ve been making for years are forgotten merely after a month, making it another vain attempt of following the custom. There are, however; many who achieve their New Year Resolution goals; but sadly a very small fraction of all those who take it up in the beginning. Funnier it is, that the last years’ pending resolution of losing weight or quitting smoking becomes the current year’s, and that is how we keep procrastinating until we finally decide to do away with the idea.

It is time that we rethink following the custom that takes us on to a guilt trip or a level up in procrastination.

Resole to resolve everyday this year, maybe?

Priyal Mahtta
[email protected]

Each year brings forward the approach of a ‘new you’ to be adopted post-January 1st. To accept and advance with memories or to forget, that is the question.

Facebook status updates, WhatsApp’s standardised greeting messages; all recite similar rhymes of New Year wishes. A pang of guilt lingers concerning our vernacular during the twelfth month of every year, for we’ve all been there and done that. As the human instinct goes, we are bound to critique and comment on what the year gone by was, what it wasn’t, and what it should have been. The clichéd practice presents itself with some repetitive terms; from the conventional usage of ‘new slate’, ‘new beginnings’ to the customary resolutions seeking. Our life plans begin to synchronise with do-overs as a new year sets it, an idea I address with convoluted emotions. While it conveniently provides an excuse to commit to new things to be done in the New Year, one can’t overlook the fact that things done and said don’t always stay in the past. So how does one hinge and direct the mind-set towards the ‘right’ path to follow as the sun sets to rise on January 1st? Should you stick to the road of the past or the one with a clean and gleamed beginning?

Regardless of where our personal journeys have sojourned this year, internet critics and the majority has declared 2016 to be a Black and White failure. Politically, economically, and socially, the turbulence has taken a toll on lives and minds. Amidst this uncertainty, the question rises- what do you forget and what do you take along? It’s a practice I borrowed from the Gilmore Girls Revival episodes, one which oddly works from clothes to mind placating situations. If a particular life event, memory, people or work gives you happiness (all shades of it), keep them in your life and carry forward them to the next year. If they’ve managed to extract varied degrees of contentment from you this year, they must be worth keeping with you in 2017. Love them, treasure them; for they shall be instrumental in helping you clean your slate for another year.

The other side of this pervasive process is to discard things or people who radiate any energy which disagrees with you. One might say it’s easier said than done. That it is. However, longevity reminder: life’s short, life’s unpredictable, life’s a shit show. All the veils of pretense and niceties have to fade away sooner or later, so make it sooner. Do away with things of the past which might invite despondence of any kind. Starting over is not synonymous to resetting who you were or giving it a retry; rather they are about acceptance and courage. Accepting what went, and having the courage to move far and past from that. As overrated and cliched start overs might sound, in some aspects they do curiously possess a flaming power.

Formulae and pravachans are never tailor-made, so bend the strings of your mind and mull over how you want to steer the wheel this year. The golden rule 101 proffers that personal growth should mark the success scale as the spindle of time passes us by. So before we begin to fill 2017 in the year columns and blanks, spare some moments to retrospect and introspect on the good, the bad, and the ugly. Achievements, failures, emotional blows; all should be accounted for and accepted as you get ready for another ride spanning 365 days. For New Year is merely an umbrella term for how we choose to live after December 31st; carrying forward memories, starting over mentally, and believing in who we are. Happy New Year!

Image Credits: Subbus Kitchen

Saumya Kalia

[email protected]

It’s done. Another year passed us by. Another semester we very consciously did nothing. But as they say, ‘What’s done is done.’ As we stroll down the last month of the year, it’s the last attempt to make this year somewhat memorable (seriously 2016, you sucked). This December, we present you with 17 things to do before 2017; here’s endeavouring to end this year with a bang!

Have the obligatory post-exam gathering

Say a very happy Goodbye to those photocopies and companions which conveniently grace your bed, for the days of examination suffering are memories of the past. Kick in the New Year festivities with throwing/attending a No-More-Studying party/sleepover, regardless of if you’ve earned it or not!

Revel in the pleasures of Winter

Part of your exam woes revolved around the inability to study in the chilly weather, for the comfort of the blanket and the sweet sleep hovering our eyes made it difficult to finish through the mountain of syllabus. Now, you can leave the guilt behind and cozy up in the blanket with a good book and coffee ALL day long!

Learn something new

While you’re busy relaxing, sleeping, and doing nothing throughout the day, consider occupying an hour or two with a new hobby to indulge your spirits in. It can be anything, from learning how to play a music instrument, baking cakes and muffins to tap dancing, the world is your oyster!

Reach out to that old, childhood friend

It’s safe to assume that throughout the course of our not-so-long life, there will be the existence of a friend who you’re not in touch with anymore, but probably would like to be. Contact him/her, make plans to meet, because it’s now or never!

Spend a day boycotting all sources of technology

It sounds like an impossible task. Tearing up from our phones and laptops for one day might require a significant portion of your will-power, but now’s the time to do it. Set aside these gizmos for a fun day in the sun; go out for a picnic with your friends, or go monument exploring. See the wonders of nature and revel!

Family day!

When was the last time you had a family-exclusive outing or a chance at familial bonding? We’re guessing it’s been long. Amidst the chaos of our lives, the year-end is a wonderful time to relax with the folks. Also, plan to take an elaborate family portrait to grace the wall, it can be a delightful memory!

Make a pre-New Year resolution and complete it

No, this is not a 365 days’ full-on resolution which we expect you to adhere to. Instead, resolve to achieve something before the end of this month/year, and see how far you go. Like Chandler’s resolution of not making fun of anyone for a week or Rachel’s gossiping streak, are you up for it?

Do a Star Wars marathon

Ever since Disney’s announcement of releasing a new Star Wars movie every year for as long as it can, every December is like an early Christmas gift. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story shall be gracing theatres near you on December 16, so preparations are in order. Watch all the seven (it feels weird to not say six!) Star Wars episodes so that the Jedi in you can properly assimilate the wonders of the Star Wars universe. (Start with Episode 4, if you’re new!)

Classic Movies Marathon Day

While you’re immersed with the whole marathon mood, we have some more for you. Revisit the old classics and enjoy the familiarity and awesomeness they have to offer. From Casablanca, Dead Poets Society, Godfather to The Breakfast Club, Roman Holiday and many more, we’re talking about them all!

Write down your predictions for the next year

…you know, just for fun. One thing 2016 has taught us all: anything can happen (no need for hints.) So, capture your imaginations and visualise the many events of the year to come. Think vast, think vivid, and predict!

Do Secret Santa

We know Christmas is not a fully established holiday in our country, like Diwali or Holi. But, we can always borrow the most exciting part of the traditional holiday: Exchanging gifts! Induce more fun by doing Secret Santa, where person A gives something to person B, and person B to C, and so on. Ho-ho to that Christmas spirit!

Shopping for the next semester

We know you don’t want to think about January when the woes of college will once again begin to haunt you, but hey, do the necessary preparations. And by that we mean, go shopping and fill the spaces in your wardrobe!

Watch re-runs of Sherlock

Season 4 is coming, guys. Feel the urgency in these words. Re-acquaint your minds with the adventures of the brilliant detective and his sidekick (we love you Watson!) Because Moriarty is back to ask this question: Miss me?

Go Goa

Because all your previous plans have obviously not worked. This is the perfect time to execute this much-hyped travel plan. Make the obligatory Goa trip happen this December end, because a) you deserve it, and b) Sunburn!

Introspect on the year gone by

This was certainly a very eventful year. Some good, and A LOT of it bad. Need a reminder? Have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yv_rl3MYKA

2016 has left the whole world asking it to go away for the next year to come, and while you’re waiting for that to happen, reflect back on the things you learnt this year. (Don’t forget to freak about how time flies!)

Plan a New Year’s eve-eve party

Nobody celebrates December 31st; that’s pretty sad. Here’s an excuse to throw another party: rejoice for it’s New Year’s eve-eve! One more day of welcoming the year to come, sounds fun right?

Whine about going back to college

Between all that happiness, take some time to digest the fact that college re-opens soon. Whine and pout over this for a day or two, and then accept that life’s not fair. Good things can’t last forever, my friend.

Happy New Year!

It might be a tiny bit predictable that on a list talking about 17 things to do before 2017, one of the points is to celebrate New Year. Eat, dance, cry, get high, for the whole ideology of a new year being a new beginning is a consoling excuse for a majority of people, and we’re ready to accept it.

Folks here’s to a lousy Christmas and a crappy New Year!

Saumya Kalia

[email protected]

We know all about the grape-eating tradition in Spain on New Year’s eve, thanks to Modern Family. On further inspection, when it comes to celebrating the New Year, it seems that everyone has a bizarre way of doing things and celebrating the ushering of a new year. In no particular order of peculiarity, we bring you the strangest of these traditions to herald in the new year!

1. Suitcase Walk, Ecuador

Image Credits: www.telegraph.co.uk
Image Credits: www.telegraph.co.uk

While some people go out for a little walk right before the clock strikes 12, many in Ecuador take their empty suitcase for a stroll around their homes in the hope of travelling more in the new year.

2. Funky Underwear

Red Underwear, Turkey

Turkey  NYE tradition

While opening the tap and letting the water run is one tradition said to bring abundance to the home, the women in Turkey wear red underwear which is meant to bring love in their lives.

Speaking of wearing funky underwears on New Year’s eve is not limited to just Turkey. In some South American countries wearing colored underwear will determine your fate for the new year. Red underwear means you’ll find love. Gold means wealth, and white signifies peace.

Changing Underwear At Midnight- Bolivia

It is much like the New Year tradition followed in Mexico where people wear yellow underwear for inviting luck with the only difference being that Bolivians wait for midnight put on yellow underwear. Bolivians believe that with the change in the undergarment at the strike of midnight on New Year’s Eve will also bring about change in their fortunes.

3. Gluttonizing, Estonia


Estonia NYE
Image Credits: mic.com

Estonians followed a custom of eating SEVEN times on New Year’s day to ensure food abundance in the coming year (and of course increasing their chances of obesity) It was believed that if a man was able to eat seven meals, he would possess the strength of seven men the following year.


  1. Graveyard Camping, Chile

Image Credits: blog.crystaltravel.co.uk

Chileans take celebration with their families to a whole new level. Apparently, locals in central Chile, celebrate the new year’s eve in the company of their dead relatives. The town mayor opens the graveyard after late-night mass and thousands sit surrounded by the graves of their dear ones.

  1. Underwater tree planting, Siberia

Siberia NYE
Image credits: shlok.mobi

This is the Siberian custom of cutting a hole in the ice covering Lake Baikal and diving to the lake’s bottom while carrying a New Year’s tree. Of course, only professional divers are bestowed with this task!


  1. Broken Plates, Denmark

Image Credits: http://www.oddee.com/

Don’t be surprised if on New Year’s Day you have a pile of broken glass on your doorstep. In fact, you should be concerned if you don’t. In Denmark, throwing plates and glass at a door is a symbol of affection — the more shards on your porch, the more loyal your friends are. The more dishes thrown at you, the luckier you are!

  1. Round things, Philippines

Image Credits: list25.com

Round food, round clothes, as long as it’s round it’s supposed to represent coins and usher in wealth. Additionally, the people turn on all the lights in the house on New Year’s Eve to ward off evil spirits. Some also open all the doors, cabinets, and windows and then run around shutting them after it hits midnight. If that wasn’t strange enough, many natives fill pots and pans with water and throw the water out the front door once the clock strikes midnight.

  1. Takanakuy Festival, Peru


Image Credits: qcostarica.com
Image Credits: qcostarica.com

This annual Peruvian festival held at the end of December is all about people beating the living daylights out of each other. Competitors face off in a ring for a round of bare-knuckle brawling, which is overseen by local policemen. Takanakuy literally means ‘when the blood is boiling’, but apparently all of the fights are friendly, and represent a fresh start for the year. Battling their way they start the year off on a clean slate.

9. Wearing white and jumping over seven waves, Brazil

BrazilThe most obvious custom is wearing a completely white outfit to symbolize peace and renewal, but there’s another tradition stemming from the Afro-Brazilian religion called Candomblé that originated from slaves in Bahia. After the clock strikes midnight, people head to the sea and jump over seven waves. This is so that they earn the goodwill of Iemanjá, goddess of the sea.

10. Roosters predicting marriage, Belarus

Image Credits: Image credits: www.travelandleisure.com
Image Credits: Image credits: www.travelandleisure.com

During the traditional celebration of Kaliady, still-unmarried women place a pile of corn is before them, and a rooster is let go; whichever pile the rooster approaches first reveals who will be the first to marry.


  1. Cheese and sweet cakes

    Big Cheese Drop, Plymouth

Image Credits: www.visitsheboygancounty.com

While the people in Switzerland herald in the new year by dropping ice cream, the town of Plymouth, Wisconsin witnesses a big cheese drop. Every New Year’s Eve the town holds the Big Cheese Drop to help celebrate the dairy industry. Supposedly, a local artist creates an 80-pound chunk of Styrofoam cheese which is dropped from a height of 30 metres at the stroke of midnight. Naturally, you’ll find plenty of cheese-related refreshments, music, and games to fuel the lively atmosphere!

Sweet Coins, Bolivia

Image Credits: viralluxury.com
Image Credits: viralluxury.com

While food is concerned, people in Bolivia are not far behind. In Bolivia coins are baked into sweets and whoever finds the coins has good luck for the next year.

While each of these customs appear strange to us, they do share an optimism that’s hard to not appreciate. To some the New Year is just another set of months and days, for others it’s an avenue to begin afresh and open their doors for new experiences and new beginnings! Here’s to creating our own traditions this New Year’s eve!

Out with the old, in with the new. Happy New Year!

Feature Image Credits: www.worldreligionnews.com

Surbhi Arora

[email protected]

Can’t go back home this vacations due to fest practices or something else? Spending New Year alone? Couldn’t convince your parents to go out with your friends? Don’t have any friends to party with? Or, are you the one who despise partying? Well, here we are on the brink of entering 2016. For many of us, it’s just like yesterday when we were welcoming 2015 or cursing Delhi University peeps for announcing the result on the last day of year! Well, let’s hope we don’t have a repeat of that result announcement this year. But, if we do and some us do get grounded, then here’s a to-do list for all the lonely souls who couldn’t or didn’t want to party this New Year’s Eve!

1. Movie Marathon or Binge watch TV Show

Well, this is the easiest thing you can do. No hassle of getting all glittered-up for some New Year’s party with heels which hurt-like-hell or waking up with a horrible hangover headache on the first day of the year, guys! Ditch this party scene and get into your warm, comfy clothes watching movies and TV shows you love!

Movies Suggestions

You can watch your favourite movies again or try the ones you haven’t watched as yet!

Bollywood: You can watch – Hum-Tum, Kal Ho Na Ho, Swadesh, Jab We Met, Dil Chahta Hai and others which released in the past decade if you have already watched the recent movies like – Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Dilwale, Masaan, Bajirao Mastani, etc.

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Image Credits: http://www.amongmen.com/

Hollywood: Watch the movies series like – Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, The Divergent, Marvel Avengers, Wolverine, Batman, Superman, Twilight, Hangover, Grown-ups, or you can watch the Disney movies!

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Image credits: http://media2.onsugar.com/

Watching animated movies on New Year’s Eve will also be a great idea to bring a smile on your face. Movies like – Tangled, The Lion King, Inside-Out, Frozen, Hotel Transylvania, Finding Nemo, How To Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, Minions, Up and more will worm their way into your heart and fill it with happiness and joy this New Year’s Eve!

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Image credits: https://thelifeofoneteenager.files.wordpress.com/

TV Shows suggestion: You can either re-watch your favourite TV show or choose a new one. The shows you can binge watch are – Grey’s Anatomy, Friends, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, The Originals or Vampire Diaries, Lost, Breaking Bad, Castle, Arrow, Flash, Beauty and the Beast, Gossip Girl, Homeland, Sherlock, Elementary, Revenge, Big Bang Theory, Glee, Suits, and this list is can go on and on.

2. Wear your creative hat

Are you an artist, a writer or photographer? Even if you are not, worry not! All you have to do is let your creative side take over. Throw caution out of window and just start writing about your year. Swap through your picture gallery, facebook timeline or take out those old pictures and write a little caption or the story behind those pictures beside them or in a diary. That way you’ll not only relive those precious moments which were captured long back but, would also create something beautiful which you’ll always cherish and would want to revisit again and again. The artists or painters can take out their brushes and pencils to create something unique to mark the ending of the year.

The trick is to let your creative juices flow freely. It shouldn’t matter if you are not good at what you are doing. All you need to do is to feel happy and if, colouring or writing crappy poems make you happy then, do it!

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Image Credits http://abeautifulmess.typepad.com/

3. Food

Nothing makes your day better than good food. Treat yourself this New Year’s Eve with those delicious cupcakes that you covet and can kill for. Honestly, for one day you can crush that stupid diet plan and let your heart want what it wants. Believe me, you won’t die if you would eat all your favourite stuff. Make this your day and pamper yourself!


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Image Credits: http://images6.fanpop.com/

4. TV

A lot of TV channels would have some New Year Special programmes and would not be playing their usual sappy daily soaps. Tune in and watch them or you can also watch Movie premieres. The movie channels would be having a lot of ‘First Time on Television’ movie premieres. This New Year’s Eve, watch the movie you have not seen before! Also, if you are a music lover then end this fantastic year with top 50 songs of 2015. VH1 India will play TOP 50 songs on December 31st from 7 pm onwards.

5. Visit reader’s paradise

This New Year’s Eve try something new. Try fan-fiction! Remember when you liked that particular book series so much that you didn’t want it to end. Read fan-fiction of that book if you can find it. Harry Potter and Twilight fans can find ample of fan-fiction on the internet to fill up their reading list for the whole 2016!

Also, even if you don’t find fan-fiction written on your favourite book (which is pretty impossible) then, read the book that you’ve or have been trying to read for a long time. A winter evening, hot cup of coffee/tea, a comfortable chair and a good book is all you need this New Year’s Eve to make it happening!


Image credits: https://ladygeekgirl.files.wordpress.com

6. Do Absolutely Nothing

Yeah, you heard it right! During the whole year some of us are so buzzed-up that ‘doing nothing’ and ‘not working’ is actually a novelty which we can’t afford throughout the year. So, this New Year’s Eve sleep your heart out or just lie on the bed as the time pass away and the New Year begins!

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Image Credits: https://img0.etsystatic.com

New Year’s Eve is a special occasion, make it a memorable one. Get high on life and happiness rather than alcohol. Make it a special night for yourself as you pamper your soul and get drunk on joy. Forget all the deadlines for this one night and sleep like you’ve no worry in the world! Have a Happy New Year, everyone!


Feature Image Credits: http://newyeargreetings2016.com/

Nidhi Panchal

[email protected]