Delhi University authorities under the leadership of Vice Chancellor Dinesh Singh are leaving no stone unturned to make the much criticised Four Year Undergraduate Programme (FYUP) gain acceptance among teachers. As a result, DU has introduced “Teaching Excellence Awards” so as to accolade teachers who have persistently worked to make Foundation Courses more interactive and interesting.
Teaching Excellence Awards shall be given to three teachers in each Foundation Course. The award will comprise a fully funded study tour to one of Delhi University’s partner universities abroad (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, King’s College, London, Open University, UK, universities in Norway, Denmark, Australia and New Zealand) for a period of approximately 10 days. The aim is to make teachers learn the good practices of these universities and further implement them at University of Delhi for teaching Foundation Courses and bring DU at par with international standards.
The award is based on multiple assessment aspects including class preparation, knowledge domain, communication skills, rapport with students, mentorship of projects, technology skills, evaluation methods and student feedback.
Teachers require to file their nominations with a 10-minute video recording of them teaching, evaluation and teaching methods used, five citations of student feedback and recommendation from one referee. These elements with other documentation need to be submitted by 30th April, 2014.
The application forms will be examined to ensure information provided by the applicant stands true. Subsequently all the eligible applications will be judged by a committee founded by the Vice Chancellor.
“This is exciting. Finally the hard work we have put in to make students understand the topic is being recognised. FYUP is a more interactive platform where we need to constantly communicate with the students through presentations, games and case studies” expressed one of the teachers from Daulat Ram College.