“Cold winter evenings. Crimson – teal hued lights. Deafening beats. One man performing on stage, like a fireball. Innumerable enthusiastic spectators. Dancing to every line, singing along every stanza, cheering with praises, crying with joy, shouting in ecstasy and smiling with lips and with eyes. Flash of cameras to capture the moment and relish it for a little long, for in a few hours, it’ll all be gone.” What if not this, was the scene at the fun replete star nights that we attended and enjoyed? Delhi University college fests have always been like a carnival. The year 2014, was no less. Amidst the competitive air, star appearances added further to their charm and glamour quotient. Not only did Indian and international singers visit for star night performances, but leading Bollywood actors also have routed their movie promotions through platform of these fests. So before all of us get engrossed with semesters preparations, and some of us eventually walk away from being in the DU ambit, here is an endeavor to remind you of all the amazing fest star nights you’ve been to (or you missed) this year. So go through what we call, ‘the timeline of memories’ , catch hold of a thread and maneuver to your moments. Happy flash-backing guys! Featured Image Credits: Kartik Lav for DU Beat.]]>
The annual cultural fest of Delhi University- Antardhwani 2014 concluded on Sunday, 16th February after cultural events, performances and showcase of academic and cultural achievements by different colleges. The much awaited ceremony Valedictory Funnction for giving awards of Good Practices was the final event of the three day fest which took place in the presence of eminent kathak dancer and choreographer Smt. Sharmishta Mukherjee, the Guest of Honour for the event.
In the category of departments, Geology won the first prize worth Rs. 10 lakh, the second prize worth Rs 7 lakh went to Geography and the third to Botany worth 5 lakh. The departments of Bio-Chemistry, Chemistry, Cluster Innovation Centre, Physics and Zoology also won commendation awards of Rs. 1 lakh each.
The Good Practices award in the category of colleges were given to Lady Irwin College as first, Maharaja Agrasen College as second followed by Acharya Narendra Dev Colleges as third. Bharti College, Kamala Nehru College, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, Ramanujan College and Sri Venkateswara College won the five commendation awards in this category. The jury made a special note of all the innovative ways adapted by different colleges to implement FYUP and the impact of the projects in empowering the marginalized sections of the society.
A friendly cricket match also took place between the Vice Chanceloor’s XI and the Principal’s XI eventually won by the Principal’s XI led by Dr. Sunil Sondhi, Principal, Maharaja Agrasen College. The Sound and Light show-“Delhi University: A Legend” was attended by the Guest of Honour who also applauded the talent displayed at Antardhwani. She also congratulated the Vice Chancellor in harmonizing higher education and culture together at DU.
Featured Image Credit: Parandeep Goswami
Flower Show, another major attraction of Antardhvani are the stalls of various departments and centers of Delhi University. Scattered in the open ground Sports Complex, different colleges and departments showcased their achievements over the past year by displaying different models, photographs and awards. [gallery ids="19572,19571,19570,19568,19573"] Department of Library and Information displayed a project on ‘Digitisation’ whereas the Film Society of Kirori Mal College displayed a timeline of how Indian Cinema has evolved since 1930s. The international students of various Asian Countries including Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Nepal also put up their stalls displaying and promoting their culture and tourism. Miranda House kept their presentation very simple and clear by focusing on Classroom innovation. “For a change in the learning culture, the teachers need to learn first and I’ve been successful in doing so”, said Principal of Miranda House. Achievements in sports was the main attraction at the stalls of Jesus and Mary College and Motilal Nehru College (E). Indraprastha College for Women broadly focused on its eco-friendly infrastructure which also has a historical significance. On the side of the sports complex there were stalls of various committees and non-competitive events including International Plaza, Entrepreneurship plaza, DUWA and Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC). Inside the basement of Indoor stadium was the much talked Innovation plaza where almost all DU Colleges showcased their innovation projects.]]>
Though the sudden rains and the coinciding of the inaugural day of the fest with Valentine’s Day were a big letdown, Antardhvani’s first day received decent participation from students all across the University.
The highlight of the event, like every year was the Flower Show. The event was held on 14th February, starting at 12 p.m. The categories for the flower show were divided into five sections. Section A was further divided into 16 classes- entries ranging from gladiolus to five types of roses. Section B saw participation of DU Teachers’ residential lawns. Section C was dedicated to ferns and foliage- cacti, hanging baskets et al. Section D had students showcasing their talent in categories ranging from Rangoli to Table Decoration. Section E focused on stamp and coin collection.
Participating students did report of difficulties due to the rain. “When we came here, there was no guide or volunteer to show us the way or tell anything at all about the competition. Our table arrangement got spoiled in the process and we had to make the entire thing again. There was absolutely no facilities for adequate space or shade on a rainy day like this.” said Hemul and Priyanshi, students of Lady Shri Ram College for Women who bagged the second prize for table flower arrangement.
Apart from the different categories, several awards were given out for different gardening segments. Overall, Lady Shri Ram College for Women clinched a total of seven cups, including the Green Cup and the Deshbandhu Cup for the best lawns. The Dr. Meenakshi Gopinath Cup for the best herb garden went to Zakir Hussain College along with four other cups. Miranda House received the Vice Chancellor’s Cup from the best dahlia, Diamond Jubilee Cup and the Registrar’s Cup with 10 other cups.
By Mugdha Dúinn
Business Conclave 2014, SRCC’s annual undergraduate management festival kicked off with the Sri Ram Memorial Oration on 5th February. Last year the event was the center of attention with Narendra Modi as the keynote speaker. This edition of Conclave saw Honorable Finance Minister Sri P. Chidambaram deliver the opening address to a packed auditorium at the Sri Ram College of Commerce. Whether it was the introduction of the chief guest in Tamil or the crowds cheering for the Union president Seerat Gupta, the oration kept the audience entertained. The issue that was addressed was that of ‘Accelerating India’s Growth’.

He talked about the challenges and opportunities that India faces as a nation. Through the course of his speech he addressed all the problems that plague our country and at the same time illustrated how we have a chance to capitalize on what we have. The idea that he emphasized was that we are the biggest obstacle in our path and that we do not need to look across the border to find the cause behind our failure. The obstacles he addressed were rising inequality, the ‘not in my backyard syndrome’, middle class stagnation and unwillingness to work for the greater good of society. He further talked about competition and how we must all now comply with the global standard.
(Picture this in black & white and slow- mo) You’re grudgingly dragging yourself to an early morning class, the world around you is a scene of despondence and despair as your classmates are unwillingly following suit, when suddenly (shift to colourful mode and normal speed) something on the notice board catches your sleep deprived eye. You move in closer, inspect the poster announcing a college fest and with a thankful tear in your eye you mutter, “It is time!” (Cue hallelujah- type music, confetti optional).
Theatrics aside, fest time has to be the most exciting time of the year, especially (but not only) for freshers. Plucked from the maddening board examination pressure and jolted into the prickly thorns of the FYUP, it is finally time to revel in that glory of DU which we had painted rosy pictures of in our heads. The anticipation for a great month and a half ahead is already evident. The definite dates are up, the Facebook event pages have been created, and I’m sure that in the secret garden of our hearts, the outfits have also been, or are in the process of being, decided.
But let my overly- evident thrill not take away from the venting space my laments against the four year programme that it deserves. Foundation course teachers have decided to finish off with a majority of the presentations and projects before the fests arrive, resulting in a mad rush to get everything done. Scuttling from the World Wide Web to the library and back again, the coming month has turned way more hectic than what we bargained for. Staying up All Night to Get Lucky has taken a whole new meaning with us, burning the midnight oil hoping against hope to meet the onslaught of deadlines. On the plus side, we do get one extra fest season.
So here’s to looking forward to a great fest season that surpasses expectations. Wait, let me rephrase that, optimism and expectations will only get you so far. So here’s to looking forward to a fest season which isn’t a complete dud, or at least, to a few flattering profile picture- worthy photos!
Aaghaz 2014, the annual cultural-techno fest of P.G.D.A.V. College aims to capture Indian Streets under the theme ‘Dil Se Desi’ from 31st January to 1st February. After last year’s star night with Bollywood playback singer Aditi Singh Sharma, this year Aaghaz presents a concert with Punjabi Singer Deep Money.
The fest boasts of 25 events including Shor – the street theatre event, battle of the bands, classical singing, western dance and hip-hop hustle. The fest also offers technical events such as Xquiz- IT, Code Drift, LAN wars, Algolics coupled with quizzes, debates and group discussions.
Television actress and politician Smriti Irani will grace the fest as the Chief Guest and inaugurate the show. On 31st January, Sahitya Kala Paris
Day two of the fest features a performance by Punjabi singer Deep Money, again starting at 6:30 p.m.
You can visit their official portal for further details: Facebook Page | Official Website