
DU Beat


It’s really quite incredible how the slightest push is just enough to set the ball rolling, and how the greatest inventions are often found in the glimmer of an idea.

A few uploads of handwritten classroom notes a week before the semester-end examinations at IIT-Delhi received such an amazing response from fellow students, that it triggered a vision, Mission Study India. “We were barraged with requests for more such uploads by the entire institution. It was a response that made us believe, in the potential of the idea we had stumbled upon and in our ability to make it a reality”, quips the team.

As engineers, they realized that they wanted to solve problems that were indigenous to Indian students.  Now, two years down the line, Study India has taken off. With a brand new website currently under development, a constantly expanding repository of  education data, a software division churning out mobile applications by the week and a hardware division exploring the latest technology in the realm of close-range wireless communication, what was but an idea is now on the verge of a revolution.

The latest release from the Study India Suite of Mobile Applications is Phokas!

Remember the long nights you’ve spent just before an exam trying your level best to study those endless chapters? But the buzz of the phone is just too inviting, and you simply have to see what she’s saying on WhatsApp. Or the newest level on Candy Crush is just waiting to be completed and Facebook is just calling you to check out the latest notifications.

Well, now you needn’t fear for Phokas is here.

Just select the apps that aren’t letting you work, choose how long you want to stay focused, and voila! Your job is done. You needn’t worry about getting distracted anymore. Additionally, since exam-season usually involves a never-ending list of tasks for the day, you can schedule tasks for the future on Phokas and therefore make an informed decision about when you need your ‘focus’ zone the most and hence set daily and weekly app blockages.

Keep alive the essential services on your phone and do away with what’s not needed. Let Phokas help you streamline your time and energy, minus all the distractions and help you study smarter.

You can follow this link to download Phokas on your Android smartphones

The Study India team would love your honest review and suggestions on the app, so do drop them a message on their Facebook page (or mail them on [email protected]) and don’t forget to review them on the Google Playstore with your valuable inputs!

You can also visit,, to explore the range of services that Study India has to offer. But for now Success has a new locus, Phokas: The Self Control app that puts you back in the driver’s seat

Guest post by team Phokas, Study India.

Image courtesy: www. 

The worst of the guilts that one could ever have felt is about scrolling through Facebook and Instagram without having done or learnt anything fruitful. The guilt takes serious consequences during exams when looking at the Whatsapp updates of your contacts is not going to help you a lot.

On a serious note, it is mostly the guilt of having wasted a lot of time that makes you waste more time. This is because guilt leads to fear which in turn leads to anxiety. Anxiety affects our mind in such a way that procrastination remains the only way to get over our anxiety.
The exams being around the corner, there are some ways of thinking and acting which would help you manage your time well and help you avoid procrastinating:

1. Tell yourself that you manage your time well:

Well this might seem to go against your morals of always speaking the truth, it is imperative that you tell this lie to yourself, over and over again. By constantly repeating in our head or saying it out loud, our sub conscious mind gradually accepts it as it’s way of working. This method is one which is sure to do long term benefits to your lifestyles.

2. Share your schedule with an audience / friend:

When you make a plan and don’t stick to it, there is only some guilt of not following it. However, if you are constantly asked by a friend or any other form of an audience,this guilt is followed by embarrassment.
This also works in a different way. You will have someone who will constantly ask you about your work and you will constantly have to evaluate and admit the time wasted. Therefore, while most of you have a schedule for studies,you will also have an evaluation of how much time you have wasted. This one works wonders  because it keeps one aware about the amount of time wasted. It makes one realise about the time one was supposed to utilise in a task which even our friend ( with whom we usually waste our time) thinks is important.

3. Change your location:

Monotony leads to procrastination. Your bed is your Whatsapp, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Game of thrones Kingdom. When you spend too much time studying in your room around your bed, your brain is very likely going to remind you about the by gone fun days. This will make you go,” let me open my phone for a minute”and this will lead to, ” An hour is so less when you have your phone in your hand”.

So change your location. Go to your siblings room or the most fancy room of your home to study. If you live in or around the campus, try going to the DU/VC lawns to study. You can also try coffee shops, restaurants and college / public libraries.
Changing your location helps, because when your mind gets diverted even for a minute or two, you are quickly reminded by the surroundings that, ” You are here for a reason”. Therefore, the distraction doesn’t last long and you get back to work.

4Keep on saying “Back To Work” :

The lure of procrastination is such that even after realising that you are wasting your time, you don’t give up on wasting it more. Therefore, the moment you realise that you are wasting your time, start saying, “Back to work, Back to work, Back to Work “. This would get on our nerves and you will put your distractions away and get BACK TO WORK.

5. Remind yourself that a winter Vacation is only a few days away:

In exams we all suddenly invite thoughts such as, ” life is about enjoying”, ” Something as trivial as exams should not come in the way of the spirit of the exciting life I want”.  These are all escapist thoughts of your exams days. Remind yourself that you have an entire month of holidays to devout to each of your distractions. This would make you do the work at hand better and will leave you satisfied that all other things can be attended later.

Tooba Towfiq 

[email protected] 


Exam time is that time of the year when you either binge eat or starve your poor body. The exam stress wrecks your body and weakens your immune system. Therefore, the last you want, is to get sick during the mighty exams. Don’t let your whole semester’s hard work and attendance become the victim of flu, cold or food poisoning. Eat right and stay healthy this exam season. For some food advice, read on!

1. Caffeine: Boon or Bane

Believe it or not, glugging down cups of coffee/tea/colas is not good for you. It will not only mess up your sleep cycle, in addition, it would dehydrate your body and make your feel jittery all the while. 2/2.5 cups (500 to 625 ml) of coffee/tea is ‘okay’ for you. More than this and it will start messing up with your brain and concentration level. You won’t get proper sleep and you’ll feel tired, hence, needing the momentary high of caffeine again which will not last long. Though, its side-effects would be long-lasting. So, it’s boon if consumed in small amount but a bane otherwise! Better alternatives are water, fruit juices, milk or buttermilk, and anti-oxidant-rich green tea. 

2. Meal plan

The big question: 3 heavy meals or small meals at short intervals?

Go for small meals at short intervals. Large meals keep on turning in your stomach for a longer time and also, all the blood is redirected to your stomach instead of your brain. Hence, making you feel sleepy and lethargic. Small nutritious meals will curb your craving for empty-calorie snacks and help in keeping your nutrition and energy level more stable. But, guys don’t binge-eat on the name of meals at short intervals.


Breakfast dilemma: don’t forget the importance of breakfast ever, especially during exams. You should always have a good and healthy breakfast to kick-start your day. It could include scrambled eggs, sprouts, idlis, oats, muesli, khichdi or wheat flakes. Eat things that have low glycemic index which provide a constant and steady supply of glucose. It is the most important meal of the day and not eating it on the exam is downright criminal. Your mind would not work with 100% efficiency and you’ll definitely screw that calculation or equation!

3. The comfort food/beverages

Don’t be seduced by the irresistible energy drinks, chips, chocolates, cookies, etc. Don’t give in the temptation of eating them when your stress levels rise. This kind of processed food and sugar laden stuff surely makes your taste buds happy and momentarily spikes your blood sugar levels, making you feel euphoric. But, after a short while your stomach will feel empty again and you’ll have the craving to eat more junk food. Ta-da…the binge-eating starts. This high-fat, high-sugar sugar is just going to give you extra useless calories.

Moreover, avoid alcoholic beverages or anything that contains alcohol. Do I need to tell you why? Okay, I’ll tell you…as a depressant it will promote sleepiness and distract you from studying. However, if you really thing that alcohol is the perfect antidote for exam stress then, you’ll be surprised to find out that you’ll be needing a lot of it for the post exam-stress too. Writing an exam with a hangover, good luck with that!

4. Water

Yes, you need to be well hydrated for healthy functioning of your mind and body. Because of winters, you may not feel that much thirsty but dehydration is the main reason of fatigue. When dehydrated, your body and mind will be dazed and restless, resulting in poor concentration levels. If you don’t like water, then try fruit smoothies, milkshakes or green tea. Coffee, tea or aerated drinks can cause acidity and heart burn so, just avoid them!

5. Vitamin, mineral and protein intake

Proteins: a diet rich in proteins includes, eggs, poha, idlis, dosa or dhokla, increases tyrosine (an amino acid) levels in the blood and brain which help nerve cells manufacture chemicals which keep you alert and active. Also, proteins provide the much-needed slow burn giving a constant source of energy, unlike, carbohydrates which are digested quickly.

Vitamins and Minerals: to fight exam stress the body requires certain water-soluble vitamins like Vitamin B complex and C, minerals like zinc. These help in the synthesis and functioning of adrenal hormones that are stress-fighting hormones. Also, anti-oxidants like Vitamins A, C and E reduce damage to brain cells due to increased stress by fighting the free radicals. Eggs, fish, carrots, pumpkins, green leafy vegetables, green tea, fresh fruits, brown rice, and nuts will help meet this requirement. They also help to increase the body’s immunity, thus, reducing the chances of falling sick during exams.

Dietary supplements: yeah, intake of dietary supplements is good but real food is always better. When you eat orange, it just doesn’t contain Vitamin C but also beta-carotene, fiber and other minerals – therefore, it can’t be replaced by a pill. And also, never indulge in those memory increasing pills. Believe me, unless it’s NZT (the pill that gives you infinite IQ from the movie and TV show, Limitless), don’t take it!

Eat healthy and best of luck for exams!

Nidhi Panchal

[email protected]

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The Festival or “Fest” culture is an integral part of college life and something no one should miss out on. Other than the DU fests we all know and love here is a list of five festivals that we think everyone should try and attend this winter or at least once during the course of their college lives:


  • Jaipur Literature Festival

    The Jaipur Literature Festival is one of the largest literary festivals in the world and not to mention one of the most exciting and intellectually stimulating. The 5-day extravaganza includes talks on numerous topics by world-renowned authors and speakers, book signings, concerts etc. Some of the speakers who have already confirmed their presence such as Barkha Dutt, Shobhaa De, Stephen Fry, Rohit Gandhi are sure to make this year’s JLF as exhilarating and enthralling as it always is.

    Image Credits: Creative Jobs
    Image Credits: Creative Jobs
  • Sunburn Festival

    Entering its 9th year the Sunburn Festival held in the last week of December is one of the most awaited events of the calendar for a majority of music fans. With over a 120 artists and 5 different stages this year’s festival is sure to be their best festival yet with international sensations such as Martin Garrix and David Guetta gracing the occasion. With over 3 lakh attendees last year, the organizers have made arrangements to ensure that this year’s festival is bigger, better and an experience like no other.

  • Mood Indigo

    Regarded as one of the finest college events in the country, IIT Bombay’s annual festival Mood Indigo attracts students from across the country every year. With a footfall of over 1 lakh every year, nearly 200 events and participation by over 1500 colleges, Mood Indigo is known for its elating atmosphere having hosted renowned artists such as Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, Vishal-Shekhar, RD Burman and many more over the years. Here’s a round up of the events last year and here’s a list of the star guests and pro nights.

  • Unmaad

    In a city known for its music and culture organizing a college fest that does justice to the same is no easy task. Yet IIM Bangalore tries and makes its annual fest Unmaad bigger and better each year making it one of the biggest B-School Fests in India today. Scheduled to be held in the last week of January it is the perfect getaway from the harsh Delhi winter and platform for musicians, actors, debaters and fashion enthusiasts to showcase their talents.

With numerous other collegiate and non-collegiate festivals due to be held in the months to come, all of us can surely expect a fun filled winter!

Featured Image Credits: Sunburn

Shraman Ghosh
[email protected]

There comes a time in our life when all of us need a dose of inspiration to carry on. Exam season is one such phase. During the preparation leave, one can easily be distracted. This is the time when you literally crave to anything, other than to sit and study. On the name of exams and preparation, one spends hours on just making useless time tables and schedules which are seldom followed. This is the time of year where cleaning your wardrobe and that C-grade rom-com looks like a more lucrative alternative. And yeah, then there are some who can’t just get enough of books and the memory pills. So here are few quotes for every type of student out there, read on!

  1. For the “Procrastinators”

If you want to see how the easy stuff can look mighty difficult, then you can keep procrastinating and wait till the day before your exam.

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  1. For “Miss/Mr. Excuse-giver”

You can find all the excuses to not study that subject or sub-topic or you can just use that time actually finish it and move on to the next thing!

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  1. For “I’m waiting for the right moment!”

When is that right moment going to come? Exams are around the corner. Stop waiting for your stars to align to open your books. Get to work, NOW!

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  1. For “I forgot everything I studied for the exam”

Don’t go crazy, study other things. You are thinking too much, just don’t!

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  1. For “I can’t find the answers”

It’s not imperative for the answer to be complicated and difficult. You just need to de-clutter your mind and the answer may be just in front of you and pretty simple!

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  1. For “I need a break, I’m tired!”

This is not the time to be tired, get up and finish the task at hand. Not the time to give up.

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  1. For “why am I even doing it?”

Well, because you want to pass in the exam. Need I say more?

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  1. For the “quitters”

Stop self-pitying, try harder.

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  1. For “I’m struck”

If you can’t do it, move on. Do the next topic. Just don’t keep waiting for it to click and end up leaving a lot of other important stuff!

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  1. For “Miss/Mr. Under-Confident”

Stop worrying, just study. You’ve been studying for more than a decade now. It’s not something new, you can do this. You do well in exams, if you actually start studying and stop worrying your little mind.


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  1. For the ultimate “pessimist”

There would be a lot of things you won’t be able to do but, that doesn’t mean things would be bad in future. Work hard today and future will be better.

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Nidhi Panchal

[email protected]

In the pulsating city of Delhi, the DU students make for the energetic young bloods who know what they want to achieve and how to raise a voice for it. However, they also believe that to add to the boldness of their personalities, a raw Indian look is a must. And, that is how began the ‘Great Indian Trend’ tales!

Not only that, the girls here are obsessed with the wackiness, the colours and the varieties that originate from the roots of India. If you wish to taste a tad bit of this trend, Wooplr has penned down a list of 10 things that every Desi Diva should possess in her closet. Here, take a look :

1. Quirky Kurtas

If there could be a better replacement for casual tees, it is kurtas. Free, fun and expressive; what more could we ask for? The best part about purchasing these kurtas is that each looks different and has a different mood to it. They are colourful and can be styled for various occasions.


2. Jazzy Jutties

Looking to spruce up a dull outfit? Go on, add a pair of spunk to your OOTD by including fun jutties. Mirrored, embroidered or embellished; you will be spoilt for choices. Whether an Indian or a western outfit, it will undoubtedly break your shoe monotony.


3. Bewitching Bindis

We grew up seeing our mom put on a beautiful bindi on her forehead, which would instantly light up her face. A mother’s style mantra never fails to entice the world and we’re inspired too. Borrow some inspiration and try on a bindi to complement your kurti or suit outfit. We’re sure you will dazzle with this one!


4. Joyful Jhumkas

Whether in DU or not, a jhumka is a must-have accessory for every Delhi girl. A beautiful jhumka can instantly brighten up any outfit and add immediate charm to one’s face. A desi diva always knows how to let her jhumkis do all the talking!


5. Kajal Kamikaze

The eyes are a mirror to your soul and it’s only right to enhance it. Every DU girl is a kohl addict, whether it is worn as a liner over the eye or under it. No makeup bag is complete without this beauty basic. It compliments both Indian and western wear so well. So, when you put on your patialias or short kurtas, don’t forget to line those beautiful eyes with kohl. One stroke of it and you know you’ll be an instant head turner.


6.Bangle Blaze

When you decide upon an outfit, make sure that you think it through with all the accessories too.

If being a desi girl is your style of the day, then add on some bangles to match it up with your salwaar or contrast it too. A kada, chunky bangles or lots of glass bangles- we love it all! In fact, even when you wear an all-black outfit, bangles can be the standout factor. Bangles are worth to be flaunted, so don’t forget to pick the best!


7. Patiala Patola

Borrowed from the Punjabi culture and most widely adopted by the girls of DU, Patialas are definitely for the Patola kudis! Patiala salwars are the best saviours when you don’t feel like dressing up and want to be comfortable. If you think these salwars work best with short kurtas, let us introduce you to the trend of baggy tees that can compliment them perfectly. Think Kareena Kapoor in Jab We Met.


8. Dupatta Indulge

This one is dedicated to all you Bollywood lovers. You can add a dash of your own drama and vibe to this one by including it in your outfit. Colourful, printed and with cute little latkans; there are too many options to choose from. As a dupatta, stole or even scarf, you can style it up the way you want. Its super easy, we promise. The star of the season has been the phulkari dupatta, so go, get them!


9. Joyful Jholas

Arm candies do make for great eye-candies! Spreading their wonders worldwide for several years now, jhola bags with embroidered and Indian artwork are certainly a catch that you shouldn’t miss out on. Make these bags your style statement and we assure you that no other accessory would be needed to make you look exquisite!


10. Pretty Printed Wrap-Arounds

It’s every DU girls’ personal favourite! If there is any Indian print you have not yet explored, you should be on a wrap-around skirt hunt. You will easily find such skirts with beautiful traditional block prints like paisley, elephant prints and tribal ones in rustic colours to make it look more desi.


If you are a Desi Diva as well and you want to share your fashion with the world, download the Wooplr app and start posting your best Indian looks.

wooplr auburn umbrella

Provided by Wooplr

The country that everybody’s watching with hawk eyes goes to poll on 8th November, 2016. We give you a low down on what’s in store for you over the next year, so that you can make better sense of that international column in the papers.

The US Election System

The President of the United States is elected indirectly by the people of the country, and holds office for a period of four years.The citizens vote for an electoral college, which in turn elects the President. Each state is allowed to elect a fixed number of representatives to the Electoral College. This number is equal to the number of its representatives in the Congress, the American Legislature.

The political parties (primarily the Republicans and the Democrats), put forth their nominations for the electoral college candidates before the public. These nominations are usually done over the summer. The party also nominates a candidate who will run for President, after the candidates who wish to stand have made their ‘Presidential Convention Speech’ before the members of the party.

The citizens then vote for their candidates to the electoral college. Once the electoral college has been constituted, the people are assured a more or less clear idea of who is to be the next President for, the members of the electoral college, prior to being elected, have promised their vote to a particular party’s Presidential candidate. Depending on whether the Electoral College is predominantly Republican or Democrat, the President is almost unoffically decided even before the electoral college votes in November.

The election day, since 1845, has always been the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November and the term of the new President will begin on the following January 20th, after the elections.

Presidential Candidates, 2016







According to the Constitution of the United States, an individual can hold the office of the President of the United States for only two consecutive terms, which debars Democrat, President Barack Obama from standing for a third term. A number of Republicans and Democrats have already stated whether or not they are running for their party’s 2016 Presidential nomination. Bobby Jindal, the Governor of Louisiana, is the first Indian-American to declare his candidacy for the Republican nomination. Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State, has announced that she is running for President on a prospective Democratic Party candidature. Business tycoon and reality television actor, Donald Trump, has also, rather controversially, declared that he will be running for the Republican nomination for President. According to public opinion polls, Trump has garnered high levels of support, with his promise to “make America great again.”

For those of us watching from the outside, the election procedure that is to unfold over the next year looks like it’s going to be an interesting spectacle.

Abhinaya Harigovind
[email protected]

When everybody is going gaga over the semester exams and you’re yet to take a nice look at your course books, here is a piece of advice- It’s OK to be a late starter. For most of us, university exams mean studying 12 days before the day and securing decent marks. This semester is no different. So stop worrying, take a quick look at yourself and face it, these exams are no big deal!

Ten Years to your rescue

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For 2nd and 3rd year students it’s a customary practice to learn the ten years by-heart. As for the freshers, you’ll soon realise the miraculous powers of these holy books for DU students! It’s easy to score decent marks by just going through the past exam papers. Still haven’t bought yours? Go grab them quick.


Notes of the most regular student in class

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Needless to say, class notes can do wonders. Also in such little time, it’s a bit difficult to finish the books completely. It’s time to say hi to your new best friend in class (wicked smile!)

Stay away from that friend

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We all have a friend who scares the hell out of us by asking again and again “Kitna hua?” Distance yourself from that friend who has already finished the syllabus thrice and is going to dive in for the fourth time! We don’t need such negativity in life, do we?

Bring out your best hand

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Let’s face it, more than what we write what matters to the examiners is how we write. Your presentation fetches more marks than your content. So make sure your paper is beautifully and neatly written.


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Say goodbye to the world of social media. Avoid parties (obviously, duh!) If social media is a huge distraction for you, become less active for a few days, only then can you concentrate.
Put in your earphones, listen to some music and sit down to begin. Because it’s still okay if you start today! Good luck.
Tanya Agarwal
On his recent visit to London, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was asked a question on the increasing levels of intolerance in India, by a BBC reporter. In response, Modi said that India is the land of Buddha and Gandhi and would never accept anything that went against its basic social values. “India is a vibrant democracy which, under the Constitution, provides protection to all citizens, their lives and thoughts,” he asserted.
Mr. Modi coudn’t have been more accurate. With propagators of peace being such a significant part of our history, non-violence ought to be ingrained in our social fabric. Ironically, the very same people who might have grown up learning about Gandhi’s principle of ahimsa, unleash wrath andviolence upon their fellow countrymen. Differences in opinions and tastes can no longer be tolerated. Those sentences we learnt as children-about India being a land of cultural diversity-will soon become redundant. India is heading towards being a land of the majority, where the culture belonging to the minorities will gradually be annihilated, in favour of a common one imposed by
the majority. How could the culture that Gandhi and Buddha knew have taken such a massive u-turn?
In such a situation, it becomes essential to scrutinize the s-word, that looms large before us in the constitution- ‘secularism.’ According to an RSS representative, Manmohan Vaidya, the concept of secularism is irrelevant in India as, India does not have a history of theocratic states. He says that BR Ambedkar was against the inclusion of the word ‘secular’ in the Indian constitution as he felt that India was a naturally secular society.
To problematize this argument, what kind of country would India be if the term ‘secular’ was not present, safe and sound, within the pages of our constitution? To answer that question simply, any political party that comes to power may, for their own selfish reasons, impose a religion upon the country. Yes, the absence of that word from the all-powerful, sacred laws of the land, can wreck that much havoc, that easily. The fact that the country has not seen theocratic rule in the 60 odd years of its existence as a nation, does not imply that political parties cannot impose the religion of the majority upon the country. Indian society is dynamic and subject to change, owing to the diversity
among its people and cultures. Any attempt at suppressing any one or more of these cultural diversities destroys the very idea of India as a ‘secular’ country, thereby putting to rest the vision of the makers of our constitution.
Abhinaya Harigovind

For a long time now we all have been coming across news related to various writers and artists giving back their national awards. But, are we clear on what really triggered these esteemed personalities to take this bold step?

In September 2015, Uday Prakash, a Hindi author, became the first to return his SahityaAkademi award that he won in 2010 for his novel Mohandas.  Following this, More than 40 novelists, essayists, playwrights and poets have now given back awards from the country’s most prestigious literary institution, the SahityaAkademi.

This collective action, often described as an “unprecedented rebellion by the cream of India’s literary talent” in the local newspapers, is seen to be a response to the growing climate of intolerance in the country. There have been attacks on intellectuals such as the murder of the Karnataka philosopher M.M. Kalburgi and the citizens of the country have been let down by incidents such as the Dadri-Lynching. The prestigious SahityaAkademi’s indifference or silence on the matter seemed to aggravate the pain felt by the fraternity. Now, this decision to give back the awards has received criticism from the various sectors and hence, we can say that currently, there are two schools of thought prevailing in the society.

First believes it to be the right step as this has now become a question of one individual’s rights which are being infringed upon by the government and needs to be checked. This thought is supported by the likes of NayantaraSahgal, niece of Jawaharlal Nehru, author and journalist who claimed that “India’s culture of diversity and debate is now under vicious assault”. Even noted lyricist Gulzar has come out in support of authors returning their SahityaAkademi awards and said, “Writers don’t have any other way to register their protest. We have never witnessed this kind of religious intolerance. At least, we were fearless in expressing ourselves,”

The other school of thought believes it to be a futile action by stating that returning awards is not a sign of protest as much as political diffidence. They were questioned on why they didn’t return awards during the emergency, UPA Governance’s failure to protect MF Hussain in 2010, or during 1984 riots. Actor Kamal Hassan said that instead of returning awards, artists and writers should make films or write articles on the issue to raise awareness as returning awards will not have any effect and it is also necessary for them (the people returning awards) to be tolerant. Another national award winner, VidyaBalan, was caught on record stating that she will not give back her National Award as it was an honour bestowed on her by the country, and not the government.

Thus, it becomes clear that the constant clash between these two opinions is gaining the media attention these days.

Nishita Agarwal

[email protected]


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