The recent case of Delhi School of Journalism(DSJ) students protesting against the poor infrastructure faced by them stands as the quintessential embodiment of how many DU students feel about infrastructural facilities in their own colleges.
Inadequate infrastructure has always been one of biggest problems faced by students and faculty alike under colleges affiliated to University of Delhi (DU). Being almost a century old university, most of DU’s colleges were established around mid 20th Century. This, along with lack of proper maintenance and harsh conduct towards it, remain the biggest reasons for DU’s poor infrastructure.
From washrooms with cleanliness levels of porta-potties, overcrowded classrooms with conjoined benches and poor ventilation, rats running around in its canteens, to roofs falling off and permanently damaged infrastructure, to the failure of the Equal Opportunity Cell to maintain adequate facilities for students with special needs, University of Delhi seems indifferent towards basic infrastructural requirements of its students. Such poor maintenance often results in high degree of inconvenience to students and staff alike, there even being some cases of injuries to the students caused by the lumps of roofs falling on them.
Cases such as roofs falling off at KNC and DRC, as well as various cases of inadequate infrastructure such as non-PwD-friendly rooms at SRCC and Rajdhani college stand as fresh examples of the problem. Apart from poor infrastructure in its colleges, the problem of scarcity of hostels and their limited seats also remains one of the biggest infrastructural issues for University of Delhi. There are a total of 12 DU colleges offering hostel facility, out of which only three provide hostel facility for boys. Procedure of admission in hostels itself is a highly complicated process, let alone live under the smeary conditions of the same for years. Students from outside Delhi tend to prefer PGs over DU’s hostels often due to this reason. When asked regarding the issue of such unpalatable infrastructure, university officials generally reply with a variety of reasons ranging from shortage of funding to lack of space for expansion.
However, to its credit, some new and off-campus college such as Maharaja Agraseen College(MAC), Deen Dayal Upadhyay College, Zakir Hussain College etc. do succeed in maintaining decent college campuses, along with some north campus colleges like St. Stephens, Shri Ram College of Commerce(SRCC), and Miranda House.
According to a study conducted by students of the Department of Anthropology in 2016, DU students’ rating of its infrastructure stood at an average of 62%. Being a government funded University, DU is inevitably subject to having comparatively worse infrastructural conditions when compared to private universities such as Amity or Sharda. However, It also is expected to provide basic amenities like cleaner washrooms and ample number of classrooms. With most of its constructions being in dire need of renovation, it is a matter of time to see how long does its indifference towards the highly inconvenient and potentially dangerous infrastructural conditions persists.
Feature Image Credits – India Times
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