In a tragic turn of events, a 19 year old student from University of Delhi allegedly committed suicide by hanging himself in North Delhi’s Burari, as the police said on Wednesday.
The student, Hijam Bharat Singh, a second year student of Satyawati College hailing from Manipur, was found hanging in his flat by two of his relatives on Tuesday.
DCP Jatin Narwal said the deceased was staying with two of his relatives Rohin and Gautam, at a rented accommodation in Sant Nagar. He allegedly hanged himself, when they were out, leaving behind no suicide note at the spot.
“The incident came to light when they returned to their flat around 9.30 pm and Singh did not open the door. They peeped in through a window and saw his body hanging from a ceiling fan,” an officer told the Indian Express.
“The crime forensic team of north district was also called to lift fingerprints from the spot. The body has been preserved at the mortuary for the post-mortem and police have initiated an inquest proceeding into the matter under Section 174 of CrPC,” the officer added in his quote to the Indian Express.
Police said they are scanning his cellphone to ascertain the reason for the alleged suicide.
Feature image credits – Old Disgruntled Bastard
Ankita Dhar Karmakar
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