From exploring multitude of reactions to wondering about the future of Arnab Goswami and Times Now, here are answers for every what, when and how about the Arnexit!
The end of October generally witnesses the pomp and celebrations of Diwali festivities, a flagship festival for almost every Indian household. The day after Diwali is a strong rendition of one of those feelings one encounters on the day after their birthdays; dejection, loss of hope and a suddenly visible void. This Diwali was also followed by the desire to go back and revel in the festive spirit, but then a cracker burst. On the internet.
November 1st 2016 was one of those days when everyone collectively chimed in for hours about one issue: Arnab Goswami’s resignation. Or how I like to call it as the Arnexit. WhatsApp group conversations were flooded with opinions, Twitter once again won the internet with some priceless memes and tweets doing the round, and the nation was in a frenzy over Mr. Goswami’s unexpected departure from our televisions at 9 pm. The protagonist of the NewsHour, whose specialisation in high-pitched monologues and accosting guests because ‘the nation wanted to know why’ would probably put teachers who say ‘Is this a class or a fish market?’ to shame. Imagine a talk show host who doesn’t let his panellists talk, wouldn’t his exit hit you hard?
The ‘Whaaaat/LOL/NO!!/Finallyy!’ Phase
It all started with a few online rumours of this unanticipated resignation, which were followed by his The-game-has-just-begun speech, thus confirming a permanent loss of Twitter’s favourite journalist.
Twitter was, once again, on fire with its berserk tweets and memes. Some were flying with different versions of celebrating a ‘noise free Diwali’ and others were adding humorous punches to ‘My name is Arnab and I…’ The first and the unanimous reaction of the masses was the utter belief that would engulf someone watching Star Wars for the first time and finding out Darth Vader is Luke’s father. Later, some were highly amused, some let out a sigh of relief, some contributed to the intelligent jokes being made, and some were genuinely sad about his departure. We strongly suggest you open your Twitter accounts (something you haven’t done since ages) and type in Arnab Goswami if laughter is what you seek!
TIMES Now: No more Arnab on for tomorrow night?
For very long, Arnab Goswami’s name was synonymous to Times Now’s NewsHour, and probably still is. He swooped in as the knight in shining armour for the channel when back in 2006 Reuters departed from the collaboration and since then has carved and embellished the news channel’s working and the image according to his style. What can be called as a fresh wave, and a loud one at that, his aggressive questioning style (to a degree) and the debater in him often subjected him to appreciation and criticism both. He went on to be the blaring voice of the nation; with his quirks of imposing his opinions, questioning the factuality of others’ statements and denying the privilege to his panellists to talk. Arnab had given way to a new brand of journalism, as they call it the ‘popcorn’ kind, where the audience comfortably sits back while watching Arnab Vs Arnab.
Now that the star of the news industry has resigned, what shall become of the news channel which had been sculpted by his hands? Regardless of his likability, Times Now’s viewership had undoubtedly spiked during his reign because everyone loved seeing the journalistic version of Bollywood dramas. With their identities linked to one another, Arnab’s exit has left a big whole in Times Now’s existence. One of the reasons for his resignation is also rumoured to be irreconcilable differences with the news heads, for an overly active visionary mind and a news channel’s views might not always run parallel. Either way, Times Now shall witness repercussions and has a long way to crafting itself back.
End of a bittersweet era
Monica/Chandler and Rachel/Joey living together signified an era. And so does this. Times Now’s News Hour has been riding on Arnab Goswami’s fiery and hot-tempered back for a really long time now. But, as he said, the game is just getting started. He resigned to start off with his own venture, so it might not be goodbye from screens just yet. Some say Fox News might be his new home, while others believe he’ll be starting his own media house. Whichever platform he chooses to yell on, he aims to propel the idea of independent journalism. He will be back with a bang, but till then, his erratic journalism shall be missed; because he is the star we all love to hate!
Image Credits: Pinterest
Saumya Kalia
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