In a bid to demand transparency in the nominations of the electoral candidates, the students of Hans Raj College held a silent protest on Friday morning, September the 4th. The protest was held at the main gate of Hans Raj College from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM.
The nomination of Parveen Gartaan for the post of president of Hans Raj College was reportedly cancelled after the silent protest by students. However, there has been no official notification regarding the cancellation. The college administration conducted a meeting with Dr. Rama, the newly appointed Principal regarding the same and Dr. Rama was unavailable for comments.
The opposing panel accused Parveen Gartaan for violating the norms set by the University for contesting in the elections and also claimed that he was suspended before in an alleged case of threatening and abusing other students. Terming the matter to be rubbish Change Panel has promised to clear the matters of withdrawn nomination on Monday. However, it has introduced their new presidential candidate for the elections.
Dear Hansarians,Leaders Change but Team remains the Same!!We present to you our Presidential candidate – ISHVENDER…
Posted by Change Panel, Hans Raj College on Friday, September 4, 2015
A similar protest was staged at Hindu College on the 2nd and 3rd of September after the list of candidates for the student union was released. The incumbent party’s PM candidate, Raman Singh was not included in this list because of which nearly a hundred students assembled in the foyer outside the principal’s office in a peaceful manner, demanding answers. Having found her answers unsatisfactory, students continued to protest until the administration set up a special committee to review the case.
On the 28th of August a group of students were found in PM Candidate Raman Singh’s hostel room having a party, by the Principal who entered the premises late at night after being tipped off about the same. Although Raman was not in his room at the time, the authorities found alcohol causing them to immediately sentence him to community service and terminate his candidacy. After two days of protesting students were disappointed when the review committee decided not to overturn the Principal’s decision causing the party to put up a new candidate Ashish Holaria one week prior to elections.
Nidhi Panchal and Shraman Ghosh
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