Now that the exams have almost started, what’s next? Rummaging through the pile of things on your study-table for those magical notes- some hand-me-downs, some meticulously doodled upon and the rest, brand new. Like the mantra that’s probably never followed, let’s vow to start early again. But while that might not happen, do give a chance to our expert tips to sail through the aftermath and stay calm.
Make a study schedule
(No matter whether you follow it or not)
A study schedule helps you figure where you stand with regard to the syllabus and well, hence, prepare one way in advance starting with setting time aside for photocopying notes! Yes, we all make ambitious plans which will never be followed but it is an important yardstick nonetheless. It will help you not fret about the extent of the syllabus and you will know just when to speed up and when to keep calm.
Take occasional outings
I am not encouraging you to go clubbing or on a late night to Murthal, but do take an evening walk (and replenish your midnight snack stock) every once in a while. You might feel like you are wasting time but it’s quite the stress-buster. What would we rather have- an evening in a shaded park or by your favourite Mother Dairy kiosk or an evening spent at the study-table panicking about the work left? And let’s face it, no work done in the middle of panic pangs is great work.
Do not consult your friends on the extent of the syllabus covered ALL THE TIME
It is definitely reassuring to call up a friend and be comforted with soothing words that convey that they are as neck deep in work as you, but don’t turn this into an hourly habit. Eventually, you will only fret, as will your friend. Do not annoy another person persistently, it will make you all the more nervous about not knowing what to study and what to leave out. And please don’t do this with the aim of clandestinely finding out if you are ahead of a classmate. That amounts to unhealthy competition and we are not in 6th grade.
Keep off social media ONLY if that really helps you, do not shun the world otherwise
I know a lot of people who deactivate their Facebook accounts before and during their exams, while this might help you save precious time, it will not help if you are someone who is logged in at most times. Facebook might be where you get your staple news from, Instagram might be what you browse through to unwind at the end of a tiring day and disastrous tweets from politicians maybe your only source of joy in dire times like the exam season. Hence, do not shun out your social world completely unless you are not very active on these portals anyway. Remember, man (and woman) is a social animal, even during the exams.
Sleep adequately before an exam
We don’t want a brain-freeze because we sleepwalked out of the bed and straight into the exam hall after two hours of sleep, do we? While we do not encourage oversleeping on weekends during the exams, burning the midnight oil way beyond midnight and then waking up before the metro makes its maiden trip of the day is not a good idea. Sleep adequately, do not take afternoon naps that extend into eternity but sleep well. You can be either the night owl or the early bird, make no attempt to be both. Groggy eyes and a headache before a paper will only make you panic more, this time about falling asleep halfway through the paper.
That said, good luck for the upcoming exams!
Alankrita Anand
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