The Quiz Society of Shri Ram College of Commerce is organising their Annual National Quiz Festival – Illume’14 on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of January.
The three day event comprises of a total of 6 quizzes, ranging from fields of business, environment, sports and Bollywood. There are also prizes worth three lakhs up for grabs.
The pre-quiz preparations have already hit the campus with caricatures, posters, tech preps and the organising committee meeting creatinga buzz. The festival offers quizmasters like Mr Parnab Mukherjee. It also boasts of 104.8 FM RJ Rahul Maken hosting the Bollywood quiz, ensuring that the entertainment quotient would at no cost be compromised.
Rajat Chopra, the Joint Secretary of the society says, “Quiz society has got a tremedous leap as compared to the past year thanks to our dedicated team. This year we plan to beat our past standards and make Illume’14 much bigger.”
Event Schedule
Day 1 – 22nd January, 2014
Bizgust – The Business Quiz
Fast Track – The General Quiz
Incredible India – The India Quiz
Day 2 – 23rd January, 2014
Estadia – Sports Quiz
Ambiente – Environment Quiz
Day 3 – 24th January, 2014
Mayapuri – Bollywood Quiz
While the registrations for the Business and General quiz are closed, students can register for other four quizzes online, as well as on the spot, on the day of the quiz.
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