Sex Amma

Sex Amma: Is dry humping safe?

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How safe is dry humping? Can I get pregnant because of it?


Shee shee, if this was a usual conversation with Amma over a pint of cononut water Amma would’ve asked ‘How dry is your dry humping?’ but that would be going off topic. On one hand you macchis want to learn how to swim in the Kovalam and on the other can’t handle anything more than beach sand in your toes.

However, Amma is here to help you out. Well, neither in theory nor in practicality is there a chance of you getting pregnant simply by dry humping. It’s a good way to spark a fire but you need to have more wood…. Much much more wood Geddit? Phew! So much innuendo now Amma knows how the writer’s of Savita Bhabhi must feel. Dry humping is a safe and fun way to fool around with your partner, especially if you’re still testing the backwaters. Amma suggests that as soon as you feel comfortable with him you can start baring some skin.

So wear clean clothes while doing the deed and remember, keep it dry but keep it spicy!

Providing guidance to the students of DU since 2008 on matters of sex, dating and intimacy, Amma is back again this week with her dose of advice. Want to ask Amma a query? Mail it to [email protected].

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