Bearing testimony to the fact that what happens in a nation has a strong impact on the youth, who is willing to fight back to achieve a better society, Hansraj College saw the emergence of a new society dedicated towards providing self defence training to girls, including those who are not a part of Delhi University.
An inaugural programme was conducted in the college on the 16th of January, which also served as the orientation programme of the ‘Girls Defence Society’. Dr. Rajnish Garg, additional District Commissioner of Police, Mr.Anil Kumar, ACP, Mrs. Sushma Rawat, SHO, Mr. Rohit, S.I., were present at the ceremony to lend support to the initiative. A short film, made by the college’s Film Society, was screened, serving as a motivating factor along with the encouraging words spoken in praise of such an initiative.
“The training programme has been initiated with the reference to the Nirbhaya gang rape case. We have kept three time slots, of an hour each, for the training for convenience and greater participation. As of now, fifteen days’ training will be provided by the constables of Delhi Police. It is free of cost. We want to provide a platform to the girls to be able to defend themselves against any mishappenings.” said Vanshika Singh, the President of Girls’ Defence Society.
The training programme would be held in the college itself. The programme aims at strengthening women, both physically and mentally, to be able to answer back during instances of eve-teasing and protect themselves. Certificates would be provided to those who would join this programme.