We weren’t yet done with the fest season when we realized that it’s already time for the mid-semester break. All of us have our bags packed but are we really ready to go on a break yet?
Even semesters are shorter and comprise more extracurricular activities than academics. They are busier than the odd semesters because of college, society and department fests and somewhere because of the fest season, students lose track of everything else going on, which includes classes, internals, assignments, presentations, and everything else. But when the fests finally got over and students tried to get hold of their academic lives it was already time for the mid-semester break. Mid-semester break is the time when students plan to do everything that they kept on postponing till now and is the best time to catch up with friends. But the bigger question is, “does the assessment system of the University leave us with a mid-semester break?”
The assessment system of Delhi University is a continuous process that goes on throughout the semester as it includes assessments of all the core as well as elective papers which starts at the beginning of the semester and goes on till some days before the study break. While some people have most of their assessments lined up for the latter part of the semester; whereas some others had back to back assessments in the early part of the semester which makes them comparatively free towards the end of the semester. However, one common thing for almost everyone is the lineup of assessments after the mid-semester break as till this time most of the professors want to get done with their assessments and thus this leads to a very hectic schedule for the students and a need for them to balance between all their papers and the vacations that they might have planned.
Anamika Khanduri, an Economics Honors student of Kamala Nehru College says “we have a lineup of internals scheduled after the break as we did not have many assignments till now because of the fests. However, amidst the study schedule that we have planned for the break, we have a separate schedule for chilling and thus utilizing the much-needed mid-semester break.”
However, a student of Miranda House tells DU Beat, “we had most of our core assessments before the mid-semester break so we are comparatively free during the break.”
For the outstation students, the only time to go back home, visit family and catch up with old friends is this break. The main issue faced by them is that because of the assessments lined up they really need to pack more books in the luggage and spend more time with the books than with their friends and family.
“Home doesn’t really feel like home because all I do is study throughout the day for the four internals that follows the break”, said a History Honors student of Miranda House.
Akansha Priya, a second-year student of Sociology Honors, Miranda House said, “we had only one internal till now and have all our other assessments after the semester break.” About the assessment system, she says, “It would be better if we have assignments managed in a better way because it becomes very hectic to have so many assessments in a single week.”
Everyone has different views about the assessment system but almost everyone agrees that the assessment system of Delhi University is a very hectic process. But being a continuous process it also helps in the preparation for the semester end exams and it brings the students in a habit of studying continuously. Thus it can be said that the system is effective in some ways but it needs to be managed in a better way so that it leaves students with time to relax because college life is not all about studying and giving tests but is more about taking the unexpected adventures.
Image Credits : Image by Annie Spratt Pixabay
Priya Chauhan
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