Read on to find out how to make an efficient and simple plan to be a better version of you through the practice of self-improvement.
Self-improvement is an intimidating process that is often perceived as a short struggle rather than long-term metamorphosis. Read on to find out how to go about it in a simple way-
Seek emotional stability:
Whoever you are and whatever you do, you are a result of millions of years of evolution and have been made and raised with love and care. Respecting yourself, your emotions, your insecurities, your fears, and every part of you is the first step to be emotionally stable. This would be the most difficult part of your transformation plan, years of negative thought processes and social conditioning is not easy to get rid of. Maintain a journal where you consistently pen down you emotions, without fear of judgement and with absolute candour. Embrace honesty as a virtue and communicate openly, even if others may not want to hear it. Being authentic in a world where almost everyone portrays a façade gives an irreplaceable sense of pride. Most importantly, respect yourself for who you are; that will effectively help you become a happier person. Have a healthy emotional relationship with yourself and with others, which should include respect, kindness, and forgiveness.
Engage in a physical activity:
Irrespective of your fitness levels, make time to engage in some form of physical activity daily. This advice has little to do with your physical appearance or how you feel about your body. Go for a run, take a long walk, play a sport, dance, keep moving daily. Channel the physical strength of your body and marvel at the beauty of its fluidity every day. Your body is a wonder, a piece of art that you have absolute control over. Relish the experience of running until you are out of breath, spent, and exhausted. Exercise by its very virtue, be it playing a sport or going for a jog regulates our emotions and gives us a passage to express our angst in a healthy way.
Focus on your long-term goal:
Most college students are devoted to multiple societies and NGO’s while pursuing a full-time education. These additional commitments require long hours of dedication. This makes one feel like they are being pulled in too many directions at the same time. As a result, most of us end up compromising on our academics which can lead to a long-term setback. Therefore, allocating a window of time that you would dedicate to academics, or whatever your primary long-term goal in life is and working on the same religiously during that time, will help you with bettering yourself as a person. The number of hours you need to dedicate to this would vary from course to course and is subjective to your individual capacities and needs. This time period should be fairly realistic in nature and should be followed strictly. Try incorporating it into your schedule at a time when you are most likely to be free, say early in the morning. Once you are doing what you are primarily supposed to do, whether it is studying for GMAT, entrance examinations, or recording music in order to learn music production, you would feel more in control of your life and therefore happier in general.
Most importantly, in this entire process of self-improvement, do not forget to love all versions of yourself. Seek growth but do not forget to live in the moment and celebrate your gifts and form meaningful bonds with people that reinforce this kind of positivity. Choose to improve yourself not because of hate and disgust for your current self but out of respect for your ambitions and due to a desire to be better in the future. Happy growing!
Feature Image Credits: Embracing Money
Kinjal Pandey
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