The recent fest of IIT Delhi, Rendezvous, was held from October 13 to 16, 2017. October 13 and 14 constituted the prelims of the various societies from across University of Delhi and IIT, Delhi.
Amidst the spirit of festivities and competition, Lady Shri Ram College’s Dance Society was disqualified despite making it to the finals owing to their ‘misbehaviour’. When the college’s dance society members demanded water bottles before their performance in the prelims, they were denied and told to go on stage without water. Putting up with this non-compliance of a simple request, LSR gave their best and got selected to appear for the final round by the judges.
Wing water is provided to all performing societies by the host college as the performances suck up all their energy and are exhausting. Unavailability of water can lead to dehydration of the team members which can ruin their performances.
After the prelims of the Western Dance Societies of DU colleges and IIT Delhi, the societies that reached the finals actually were – Misba of SGGSCC, Verve of Sri Venkateshwara College, Footloose of Shivaji College, LSR’s Dance Society, Zeal of Maitreyi College, and V-Defyn Dance Academy of IIT Delhi. After the tally of marks, this list was given to IIT Delhi’s BRCA, the organizing team to be uploaded and spread to the finalist teams.
The actual list uploaded by IIT Delhi fest organizers had the following finalist teams – Misba of SGGSCC, Zeal of Maitreyi College, Crunk of Sri Aurobindo College, Enliven of Gargi College, Verve of Sri Venkateshwara, and V-Defyn Dance Academy of IIT Delhi. Lady Shri Ram College’s Dance Society was removed without any prior information.
The original list of the finalist teams was requested by LSR to the judges who were courteous enough to provide it.
When the changed list was uploaded and LSR’s Dance Society wasn’t on the list, they contacted the PoC (person-in-charge) and were informed in a curt reply that their ‘misbehavior’ of asking for water had led to their disqualification.
The Society has posted on their Facebook page and questioned the authenticity of such fests if the lists can be changed on the whims and fancies of some students. Even the judges weren’t informed of this.
Meanwhile, the Dance Society of IIT Delhi has posted a clarification on their facebook page in which it accepts that there was a problem of availability of water in the spot due to some mismanagement from the hospitality team of RDV. The same conditions were also applicable to all other teams as well who managed to get water from the cooler. The disqualification of LSR was a decision of the organising team because their action delayed the event by sometime which prevented other participants from getting their promised time slot.
While the Dance Society, BRCA were not available, the dance society of LSR refused to speak to us.
Feature Image Credits: Dance Society, Lady Shri Ram College’s Facebook
Prachi Mehra
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