Of course the much happening life in DU can be blanked out when the day arrives with tickets scheduled to depart you from Delhi to your lovely hometown. From the assignments to the scores, from afternoon till dawn when all you could think of is textbooks and PDFs, it is ecstatic just to count the days left to go home. Lazy winter of Delhi, the thick quilt and an ever ready mood to go into hibernation during exams make you wonder with twinkling eyes, “Ah! Home it is, just another 20 days.” And as a matter of fact, somehow this boosts you up and you want to study to make the days pass, just to be at home after 20 days. Some question my hilariously loving idea for homecoming. All I do is talk about is the bi-annual meet with family and friends back in my hometown. The month of December is full of exciting events, to start with Christmas, family picnics, and then New Year’s Eve. Lots of home-made delicacies to relish, warm and cozy room with a fire place, playing songs and dancing to their beat are a few activities that make me grow fonder of the idea of homecoming.
The day when exams are over is like a deep sigh with mixed emotions. The next few days are when you say you are high on life. And the day of departure fills you with wild excitement that even the chilliest and most frozen air in Delhi cannot freeze. The best part is when you revisit your school and find children doing the same things you used to do. Undoubtedly, nostalgia hits hard when you see the same old cardigan, warm breath in the chilly air and the school bag that has the books you used to study. Homecoming has its perk when you reunite with the classmates you used to sit and crack jokes with, play games in the school playground and fight over food in the school canteen. Another thing to look forward to is a lot of winter shopping. Bottoms and overcoats, socks and boots are a few to name. And out there in the fog when you decide to play football or badminton with the kids in your neighbourhood, there is a delightful trail of memories that follow you to Delhi, and that you can do is cherish them here and wait for the next semester break.
The most beautiful day of homecoming would be a day only with your family, hearing tales of mom, dad and siblings and then you share your stories of life in Delhi. Also exciting are the dinner invitations to relatives’ places just because you are back in town and their loving gesture with heaps of at least ten different food items on the dining table. Hail home-made food! New Year’s Eve is way more special as always because of Mom’s refined taste and her magic sprinkled over the food for the last time in the last day of the year. Dad is a wizard, illuminating the entire hall with his magic. At the count of 5-4-3-2-1, another year begins and you realise that you have to leave home again, for another five months. The last day is very well spent when Mom packs all the snacks she has prepared and you take a resolution to feel lesser homesick than earlier.
Good wishes to all for the exam, and hostellers, do start counting days left to go home! December has a lot in store for you back in town! Happy homecoming!
Radhika Boruah
[email protected]
Image Credits:www.google.com
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