The festive is upon us and here’s a look at what each one of us can do to celebrate, according to the four Hogwarts houses.
GRYFFINDOR – their daring, nerve, and chivalry set them apart

Gryffindors are bold, fearless, and enjoy being in the spotlight. An ideal day for them would include waking up past noon and
spending the day in their pyjamas beside a crackling fire in a cosy setting, much like the Gryffindor common room. They would
indulge in junk food and mildly alcoholic drinks, not bothered about being called lazy. Creating a ruckus well into the night,
they’d share tales of their achievements and adventures, and come up with all sorts of challenges – just so they could earn
bragging rights.
HUFFLEPUFF – where they are just and loyal

Nothing speaks Hufflepuff like warmth and quiet. They’d spend the autumnal season enjoying the outdoors, appreciating the
changing colour of the leaves. They’d go nowhere without some snacks and peppy pop music on their playlist. Embracing all
sorts of cliches, they would step on crunchy leaves, and buy pumpkin spice lattes to fuel their good mood. A joy to be around
this time of year, Hufflepuffs imbibe the perfect combination of comfort and a sense of wonder for nature.
RAVENCLAW – where wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure

Ravenclaws are extraordinarily smart and proud to show it. A pile of books is a common accessory, one without which any
Ravenclaw would be ashamed to be spotted. They prefer the familiar indoors, but are not opposed to the mysterious
wilderness of the outdoors. With a perfect view of fall just outside their window, they’d cuddle up with a cup of hot strong
coffee, a new paperback, and an occasional Netflix documentary to get their brain cells working. Always keen to learn,
Ravenclaws would seize any opportunity through the festive holidays to brush up on their knowledge whether it’s for class or,
more probably, for the mere sake of learning.
SLYTHERIN – they use any means to achieve their ends

Unfairly labelled as brooding and sinister, but too proud to admit it, Slytherins like to spend their time lazily in their rooms,
catching a break from their often-hectic routines. This does not mean they don’t complete their tasks or duties; in fact,
Slytherins would never give anyone a chance to chide them for their work ethic. Possessing a dark sense of humour, Slytherins
take on the world with an independence and fierceness that is unmatched – with a fall drinking list leaning more towards
firewhiskey than butterbeer.
Take inspiration from your favourite Hogwarts house and indulge in these habits for a lovely fall! It’s the least we can do for
those of you still waiting for your Hogwarts letter.
Image Credits: Arushi Bhaskar of Miranda House
Vineeta Rana
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