Let’s face it, one of the coolest and most badass characters ever created on television is of Walter White, the docile-Chemistry-teacher turned outlaw-meth-dealer. And while he may be the danger, he’s taught his viewers (specially impressionable people like me) tonnes of life lessons.
- Hydrofloric Acid will make you a pro at getting rid of things: Whether it’s that annoying toy of a younger kid in the family or the body of your worst enemy (whom you may or may not have killed, let’s leave it at that?), Emilio’s death taught me that Hydrofloric Acid is the real MVP. Don’t believe me? Ask your Chem teacher about it’s power.
- Life’s too short to not take risks and live in fear: While this doesn’t mean you get your hands into selling meth, you cannot simply waste your life wondering about the consequences of adventures and risks. The regret of not taking enough risks will be more than the relaxation of being in your comfort zone.
- Diaper boxes are a good place to hide those not-so-cool things: No one checks or doubts diaper boxes. The emptier the box, the better. Rather, find any infant-related merchandise and no one will bat an eye!
- Theoretic knowledge can take you far: You may not become as amazing as Mr. White, who made batteries out of coins and sponge, but if you can by around your head to use all the theories stuffed into it during lectures, you, my friend; shall go a long way!
- Most importantly, appearances can be deceptive: That manager from your favourite chicken-eatery could be drug dealer. And you’ve got to be smart enough to know who’s who. Look around, be cautious.
Author’s note: If you’re one of those unlucky people whose hard disks/laptops don’t have this show yet, you’re missing out on a lot of thrill (and high blood pressure) in life. Breaking Bad is all the good you need in life. Word!
Arushi Pathak
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