Oshikka Lumb, a student of Lady Sri Ram College (LSR), has recently established her startup ‘Markitiers’. The startup is based on youth marketing, investments, CSR and consultancy services. Oshikka, who formed the startup along with her friends, Mahima Sharma and Manav Kaushik, had tried her hands on various startups and then devised a way of forming her own startup friendly organization. The newly recruited team comprises of various students from across DU, segregated in departments like digital marketing, creative marketing, event marketing, Startup social responsibility, offline marketing, recruitment services and Public Relation and communications, among others.
An alumnus of Jesus and Mary College, Oshikka had keen interest in Marketing. According to her, there’s a need of providing a suitable platform to the youth. For this purpose, she had implemented the ideas of youth marketing and social startup responsibility, which will aim at empowering programs and campaigns to effectively link brand and the youth. With an aim of changing the conventional ways of marketing, the startup strives to benefit the associated startups and youth at the same time. Coming from a typical academic background, where major struggles include psychological pressures of getting good marks, Oshikka managed to put her best foot forward in the field that interested her the most. Inspired by Steve Jobs, she reflects firmly on the belief of ‘following the gut’ and taking risks to inspire and invent new ideas.
Recently, Oshikka received the ‘Young Entrepreneur’ Award by the Entrepreneurship Cell of LSR. In context of her achievements, she said, “I am glad to see my efforts bearing good results. I would like to encourage all the aspiring young entrepreneurs to trust themselves, discover their ideas and explore their being.” By the year end, she plans to create a social network portal for all startups to ensure their efficient interaction in the market.
Feature image credits : indianexpress.com
Lovleen Kaur
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