Every year, societies from colleges across the campus compete neck to neck and put up spectacular performances during the fest season. This year too, saw certain teams shine a little brighter than the rest. We bring you a series with college societies that put their heart and soul into their respective fields and took home the top prizes at various cultural fests.
The best college society in each category was selected by creating a tally of the top 3 positions at competitive events held during various cultural fests of this season. Whenever a society won the first prize they were awarded 3 points, for the second position they received 2 points and for the third position, 1 point was added to their tally.
For the Western Dance category, Misba of Shri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce scored the maximum points in the tally. Misba’s 20 points were followed by Tanz, Miranda House that scored 12 points. Verve, Sri Venkateswara College bagged third spot scoring 9 points.
The Winning Society at a glance
Misba, The Western Dance Society of SGGSCC, can be considered to be a perfect mix of entertainment, style and technique. High-octane performances on ‘Babuji zara dheere chalo’ and ‘Jogi’ enthrall the audience, and their sharpness and energy leaves everyone in awe, asking for more.
Jasneet Kaur, President of Misba quotes, “The only thing important for a successful production is the zeal to bring something new to the stage and breaking the stereotypes. No matter which form you do, you should be able to give full justice to it”
Names of Performing Members: 1. Yukti Arora 2. Harshita Bakshi 3. Rituraj Sehgal 4. Jasneet Kaur 5. Dhruv Kumar 6. Nishant Jain 7. Kangana Makkar 8. Abhijeet Chaturvedi 9. Abhishek Kumar 10. Manpriya Jain 11. Priyanka Aggarwal 12. Priyanka Goyal 13.Elisha Mayor 14.Ananya Kaushik 15. Radha Sharma 16. Sahil Saharan 17.Aman Bothra 18.Aman Susan 19.Ritvik Arora 20. Anmol Chabra 21. Naman Pataria
Winners Tally: Misba
Ten fests were included in our analysis for this series which were: Montage, JMC; Nexus, Sri Venkateswara College; Mecca, Hindu College; Crossroads, SRCC; Reverie, Gargi College; Ullas, KNC; Tarang, LSR; Confluence, Hans Raj College; Tempest, Miranda House and Shruti, IPCW.
Here is the list of winning performances by Misba (SGGSCC):
Ist Position: Tarang 2016 (Lady Shri Ram College) Crossroads 2016 (Shri Ram College of Commerce) Tempest 2016 (Miranda College) Mecca 2016 (Hindu College) Confluence 2016 (Hand Raj College)
IInd Position: Ullas 2016 (Kamala Nehru College) Shruti 2016 (IPCW)
III Position: Montage 2016 (Jesus and Mary College)
(Hover on the icons below to know more about their victories)
Shefali Bharti
[email protected]
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