DUB Speak

Family: Ishaan Gambhir, Associate Editor 2015-16

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I made the conscious decision of letting my life revolve around DU Beat some time in these twenty five months and they have seemed to fly by. Whenever I have talked to my friends about DU Beat, I have described it not as a part of my college life but my college life itself so to summarise my experience in a few hundred words is a futile asking.
DU Beat has always been the primary recipient of all my attention and initiatives and I haven’t regretted a moment that I spent with the amazing people that are and have been associated with it.

I received the baton of leadership from people who dedicated immense time and efforts in nurturing the organisation and I hope I was able to fill in their shoes well but I’ll never believe that I could give as much as I received around here. To have a sense of belongingness is a special thing and I’m fortunate to have found at that at DU Beat at such a crucial stage of my life.

It’s a hard goodbye but I’m extremely happy to be leaving the newspaper in able hands. With the confidence of having seen each one of my juniors grow into ace reporters, professional photographers and extraordinary designers who will continue to bring glories to the organisation, I sign off from DU Beat. I’ve never been ready for farewells but to have had something that is turning out to be this difficult to leave behind is beyond my capacity of explanation.


Signing off,
Ishaan Gambhir,
Associate Editor 2015-16

EDM lover, photographer, big-time foodie, drummer, writer, reader, gamer (CS 1.6 and err, Flappy Bird only), a problem solver and not as Gambhir as alleged topped with Hollywood & English TV shows in my blood. In a million ways extremely unique and distinctive and at the same time just a normal guy. Can be reached at [email protected].

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