Q) Dear Amma, I’m generally a really curious person but when it comes to porn, I can’t stand it. I can read about it, fantasise, and may have gone to second base too, but I Inflatable water slide just cannot watch it. What is my problem and its solution?
A) My spicy, curious Macchi; though a porn-enthusiast herself, Amma wants you to know that this is NO problem! Amma has known many self-doubting little idlis like you who think something is wrong with them. You don’t have to forcefully like anything simply because its mainstream just like Amma isn’t fond of the Mysore Dosa everyone loses their mind over!
Amma likes to believe that each one of you enthusiastic macchis should be able to explore your sexuality in your own way. Know your comfort zone, figure out what you like and takes the heat up for you! And if you are really keen on clearing up your issues with porn, well, try a different genre! Explore your fetishes and fantasies. There’s plenty to blow away the minds of you young vadas and idlis today. Amma is rather feels like over-cooked, burnt rasam in jealousy!
If, instead of this, you wish to completely do away with porn in your life, that’s a perfectly fine choice too. Keep reading, keep fantasizing… If that flares up the heat for you, remember that a delicious fish meal is prepared in numerous ways!
To send in your queries to Sex Amma email us at [email protected]. We respect your confidentiality as much as you do.
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