Small Screen

Time to serve and die: GOT Season 5 is coming

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We will soon have a legitimate reason to not study for the upcoming semester exams as the countdown to fantasy drama Game of Thrones new season has begun! This year, the show will air on the HBO network in 170 countries simultaneously, an attempt aimed at reducing piracy. Game of Thrones has been the most illegally downloaded show for consecutive years as website TorrentFreak found in its analysis. Game of Thrones has been a matter of debate among fans as talks of the show overtaking George RR Martin’s book series started doing rounds in magazines.

Last season left viewers (who haven’t read the books) wondering where Tyrion Lannister departed for with the Master of Whisperers, Varys. The sequence in which Varys leaves King’s Landing following a glare of disgust was an impactful one as Varys’ ambitions for the Iron Throne have been projected onscreen time and again ever since the character first appeared. Some of the most intriguing questions raised in season 4 include those about Bran’s new “flying” abilities, Stannis’ plan for the North and the future of the Lannister clan following Tywin’s dramatic murder (on a pot).

HBO released a few trailers and teasers in the run to the premiere of season 5. A lot can be anticipated taking cue from these videos. In one scene, Jon Snow can be heard suggesting that the Night’s Watch may learn to coexist with the Wildlings, which does not come as a shocker, as both the warring sides are overpowered by Stannis Baratheon’s humungous army. In another sequence, Varys suggests Tyrion that he could help Dany in her steps towards the Iron Throne.


Perhaps the biggest disappointment in season 4 for the book readers was the omission of Lady Stoneheart, the ruthless “zombie” of Catelyn Stark. She will obviously appear in this season, but the timing of her appearance remains a mystery.

The new season of GoT premiers on the 12th of April on HBO Defined in India!

Ishaan Gambhir

[email protected]

EDM lover, photographer, big-time foodie, drummer, writer, reader, gamer (CS 1.6 and err, Flappy Bird only), a problem solver and not as Gambhir as alleged topped with Hollywood & English TV shows in my blood. In a million ways extremely unique and distinctive and at the same time just a normal guy. Can be reached at [email protected].

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