After a session by Mumbai Dabbawaalas’ CEO Pawan G. Agrawal and the political face off by BJP-INC-AAP on Day 1, Business Conclave at Shri Ram College of Commerce hosted sessions by Smriti Zubin Irani and Ravi Shankar Prasad on the second day.
Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad
Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology
Ravi Shankar Prasad gave a noteworthy lecture on ‘Digital India’ at the SRCC Business Conclave. He opened the session by quoting instances wherein he had recognised the impact influenced by youth over technology.
Bringing to the audience’s view an account of recent figures pertaining to the growth of technology in India, Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad stressed upon the current status of IT in our country, the need for its growth and its importance in our daily lives. He talked about how all upcoming policies under his purview will function with an ‘eye for a future of aspiration, growth and achievement’ along with ensuring ‘digital literacy’ throughout the country.
“The new guidelines for Ministry of Communications and Information and Technology set by the Prime Minister focus on our motto of ‘Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow’ [IT + IT = IT]”
– Sh. Ravi Shankar Prasad
He spoke of the various facets of technology and how the dependence we have on it may actually be beneficial to the economic growth. His speech ended with a plan for future developments that he presented and an interactive session for students. The closure witnessed quite a few heated discussions regarding the validity and feasibility of promises made by him and his ministry.
Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani
Union Minister for Human Resource Development
Smriti Zubin Irani, Union Minister of Human Resource Development visited SRCC for the second session of Day II. The programme commenced by lighting of the lamp at SRCC Sports’ Complex. Sh. Ashok Sehgal, Principal of the college welcomed Irani and seeked blessings of Mata Saraswati, the Hindu Goddess of knowledge and education on behalf of all teachers and students.
Smriti Irani opened the floor to questions immediately after taking the dais. As part of this interactive session she talked about about skill development as an important aspect and introduced the audience to her idea of collaboration with foreign universities. Irani also focused on bridging the gap between what is taught and what is professionally required by amalgamation of efforts between school education and higher education. On the Delhi University front, Irani addressed issues regarding the supplementary exams for final year students and AICTE approval for the B.Tech students of the erstwhile FYUP batch.
#AICTE willing to approve #DU B.Tech course, DU hasn’t approached the council yet.” – @smritiirani at #SRCC. — DU Beat (@du_beat) February 12, 2015
HRD Minster also cleared doubts on recent reforms in the education system at University level by sharing her vision behind introducing ‘choice based credit system’. In addition, she expressed her views on how introduction of grading system in place of numerical marking will benefit the students in terms of credits and mobility.
Image Credits: Ankit Kumar Meena for DU Beat
Iresh Gupta
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