Going away from home and starting college is complicated. However, for those who get the chance to stay in a hostel, the feeling is completely different. From borrowing clothes to staying up late at night, gossiping and chatting, hostel gives you some of the best years of your life.
Here are a few things which only a hosteler relates to. If you are a hosteler, you would agree!
1. Wi-fi Blues:
Oh, how we all miss home for its Wi-fi and only when you stay in a hostel do you realize its value. So whenever, the college Wi-fi happens to be left switched on by the admin (bless that soul), it’s literally party time for everyone. Downloading songs, movies, and episodes follows.
2. Room checking time:
The rumor about room checking triggers a stampede. The hide and seek game begins and you’ll find the entire hostel finding places to hide those kettles and straighteners which we aren’t allowed to keep but ‘conveniently’ put in our cupboards.
3. Searching for food at night:
Finding food at night is as tough as finding food in a famine area. Knocking at every door and begging for food seems so natural once you start leaving in a hostel. Stocking doesn’t help because voila, food disappears in minutes.
4. The morning classes:
It’s 8:30 and you have a class at 8:45. Relax, you still have 5 minutes to sleep. Because you can magically transport yourself in class at precisely 8:45. And you have no qualms about showing up in class in your night clothes.
5. Birthday surprises:
Away from home, birthdays might seem lonely. But believe me, hostel birthday surprises rock. Your friends become your extended family and make every effort to bring a smile on your face.
College can be tough but hostel can make everything easy and comfortable.
Ishita Sharma
[email protected]
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