Spoiler alert!
Hasn’t this season given us the perfect welcome with the death of Joffrey Baratheon? At last, the debt has been paid! Though it would only be fair to praise Jack Gleeson for his flawless depiction of one of the most notorious characters ever created by George R.R. Martin in his medieval fantasy book series, A Song of Ice and Fire! It must be remembered that Joffrey wasn’t intentionally or ambitiously evil. Book readers would know of his confused upbringing, courtesy a drunk ‘father’ who spent most of his time in brothels or hunting and him secretly being an incestuous child. Fans of the TV show will surely remember him. (Remember him? Yes. Miss him? Definitely not!)
DU Beat brings you a detailed review of the 7 episodes of the fourth season of Game of Thrones that have been aired till now.
This season has swung in all directions, from giving us the best moment of our lives with the death of Joffrey Baratheon early in the season, to almost making us cry when Tyrion Lannister is tried for the same murder. His little speech at the trial is surely worthy of a second Emmy Award for the actor Peter Dinklage!
But let’s begin with the beginning. The season began with Tywin Lannister melting a sword, made of Valyrian steel, to make two swords for Jaime and Joffrey. The scene went quite unexplained, so for those who didn’t understand, that was the ancestral Stark sword taken from Ned Stark when he was announced a traitor in season one. In that same episode, Arya is depicted as a rising character when she melodramatically kills Polliver (who was responsible for killing her friend Lommy) and gets her own horse amidst some majestic Game of Thrones background music.
The season progresses to Joffrey and Margaery’s wedding, also called The Purple Wedding, which ends when King Joffrey dies of poisoning. Cercei accuses Tyrion of the murder, since the two never got on well (not that anyone got along particularly well with Joffrey!) The half-man had imparted a couple of slaps across Joffrey’s face in the past. The real culprits however, are later revealed to be Olenna Tyrell and Petyr Baelish.
At the trial of Tyrion, many testify against him. But the biggest disappointment was Shae’s betrayal. Shae is a prostitute Tyrion fell in love with, but because matters in King’s Landing had started turning dangerous, Tyrion wanted Shae to stay away from the city. He told Podrick, his squire, the same and he adhered. Shae was persistent on staying, compelling Tyrion to insult her as a ‘whore’ just to make her go away to a safer place. She returns and, possibly on the persuasion of Cercei, testifies against Tyrion and lies, saying that to please Sansa Stark, Tyrion had promised to kill King Joffrey. When Tyrion cries to her to stop lying, she replies, “I am a whore, remember?”
This has undoubtedly been the lowest moment of the season. It was followed by an outburst of Tyrion as he reminds the court that it was him who saved the city from being sacked at the war fought at Blackwater Bay. He says he’s not on trial for a murder, but on trial for being a dwarf. Finally, he demands a trial by combat, to the shock of everyone present.
One character who has started to turn out more important to the story than we ever expected him to be is Lord Petyr Baelish. Lysa Arryn discloses that she had poisoned her husband Jon Arryn on the request of her love, Petyr. He also reveals to Sansa that it was him who murdered Joffrey. At the end of the seventh episode, Petyr kisses the young Sansa on her lips telling her she is more beautiful than her mother and pushes a heartbroken Lysa out of the gaping Moon Door as she played an uninvited witness to the moment after telling her that the only woman he has ever loved is Sansa’s mother Catelyn Stark. Just your typical, happens-all-the-time, GOT drama.
Hopes are high for episode eight as the new entrant of the series, Oberyn Martell a.k.a. The Viper, has volunteered to be Tyrion’s champion in the trial by combat, for which Cercei plans to introduce Gregor Clegane a.k.a.
(and very rightfully so) The Mountain. Gregor is responsible for raping and murdering Oberyn’s sister Elia 15 years before the beginning of the series, for which Oberyn is vengeful. Who knows what will happen next; well, except for the ones who’ve read the books! The rest of us can treat ourselves to the following blessing of the internet.
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