The Delhi University Open Day Program being organised by the Dean of Student’s Welfare Association had its second interaction with admission seeking students and their parents on Thursday, May 22nd, 2014. The main agenda of the day was simplification of the admission procedure, solving of frequently arising queries and familiarizing the students to the working of other DU projects like Cluster Innovation Centre (CIC) and Non Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB).
The day began with a doubt clearing session with Welfare Association volunteers, which was followed by a presentation of admission norms and address by Ms. Savithri Singh (Principal, Acharya Narendra Dev College, DU), Dr. Suprita and Ms. Shobha ( Cluster Innovation Cell in-charges of B.Tech in Humanities and B.Tech in Mathematics & Information Technology) and Professor Khurana, who addressed the common doubts of admission seekers.
Basic Guidelines for admission in Delhi University for under-graduation courses (2014)
While addressing the audience at Conference Centre, North Campus, Professor Khurana said, “The introduction of F.Y.U.P. has been a landmark incident, which brought tremendous rise in applications to Delhi University from 175000 applicants of 2012 to a quarter less than 3 lac applications in 2013. The degree awarded at end of three years is considered equivalent to an under graduation degree, after which students are eligible for employment, MBA or UPSC/ SSC/CGS exams. The fourth year is for students seeking specialization in the subject.”
Apart from this, the following key points related to admissions were discussed on the second Open day of university of Delhi.
Stage One: The Pre-Admission Form
1. There will be a common pre-admission form in the O.M.R. format for all the colleges of University of Delhi, except Jesus and Mary College and St. Stephen’s College, which shall have different application forms available at college premises/ websites.
2. The issue of application forms begins from June 2nd and goes on till June 16th, 2014 (all days except Sundays from 9 A.M to 1 P.M.) and forms shall be available from and submitted at the 18 Admission Information Centres spread in all parts of Delhi.
3. The form should be filled accurately, without cutting/over writing in blue or black ball point ink. Leave a space blank between name and surname, indicate against category/ status of result/ gender clearly.
4. The admission seekers can also apply online at, the facility shall be available throughout the day from June 2nd to 16th, 2014.
5. The students shall not be required to submit any documents whatsoever at the time of filling the pre-admission form, except of self attested passport size photograph(s).
6. Any form received by the means of postal delivery shall be summarily rejected. The forms either need to be manually submitted or filled online.
7. Students with Compartment in Board exams or whose result is awaited can also fill in the pre-admission form. The admission, however shall be a subject to the fulfillment of minimum eligibility criterion of the college in which admission is desired.
8. Students belonging to SC/ST/O.B.C./ General category shall be required to indicate their status in the pre-admission form if they so wish to avail the benefit of.
9. However, admissions to colleges by E.C.A./ Sports quota is subject to college’s individual rules and requires the candidates to fill in separate forms for each college. Remember, it is advisable to fill the common pre-admission form as well along with the individual colleges’ E.C.A. oriented forms. If the admission on basis of quota is not awarded, the student can still seek general admission in other colleges.
10. A student can circle as many courses as he wishes to in the pre-admission form. Encircling the courses, automatically makes his registration applicable in all DU colleges that house those courses. One common admission form shall be filled in for all courses.
Stage Two: Computation of Eligibility Criterion/ percentage
a) For selection in Mathematical Sciences/ Science courses
On the basis of marks in P.C.M./ P.C.B. or P.C.M.B. ( P – Physics, C – Chemistry, B – Biology, M – Mathematics)
b) For selection in Humanities/Commerce courses
On the basis of ‘Best of Four’ Percentage which includes:-
i) One compulsory Language subject.
ii) the Discipline- 1 subject; subject in which admission is sought.
iii) Any two elective subjects, the status of elective subjects, defined as follows.
The 40 Discipline One subjects offered by Delhi University (considered – Elective subjects for purpose of admission)
– In boards, where commerce is not taught, the subject of ‘Accounts’ shall be considered as the replacement elective subject.
– The student wishing to pursue Commerce, shall be no longer required to have studied Mathematics in Class 12th. However, the students wishful of pursuing Economics are required to have studied Maths in class 12th. Though, it can be avoided in computation of ‘Best of Four’ percentage.
– The student who hasn’t studied the subject he wants to take up as Discipline – 1, shall suffer a disadvantage of 2 percent.
– Any student who hasn’t studied three elective/academic subjects in class 12th, shall incur a disadvantage of 10% of maximum marks (0.1*100 = 10 marks) on each non elective subject included in ‘Best of Four’ percentage.
c) For selection in Honors degree in Business Management.
Equal weight shall be given to the merit i.e. Class 12th Boards result as well as an Entrance test. (Schedule for registration and conduct to be announced shortly.)
Stage Three: The Cut Off Lists (beginning from June 24th, 2014)
1. The cut off lists shall begin to be released from Tuesday, June 24th, 2014, three working days including the date of issue of list shall be allowed for admission procedure and payment of fees in the first five lists, and time of two days for admission in subsequent five lists.
2. Once student has missed seeking admission to a particular college in first cut off slot, the student shall not be allowed to be admitted to the college on basis of any any subsequent cut off lists, even if the required eligibility percentage has fallen down.
3. There shall be separate percentages indicated for candidates from SC/ST/O.B.C./ General categories in each cut off list.
Stage Four: The Process of Admission
1. At the time of admission, the admission seeking candidate shall be required to be present in the college campus along with self attested copies of the following documents.
a) Class Xth & XIIth Mark Sheet.
b) Class Xth Pass Certificate.
c) Class XIIth Pass Certificate (Provisional).
d) Character Certificate.
e) Transfer Certificate.
The documents shall be verified, and once the fees is paid, the admission procedure is completed.
2. Additionally, the students applying for SC, ST or O.B.C. Category shall be required to produce the concerend certificates to avail the benefit at time of admission. Remember, such a certificate should be in the admission seeker’s name, not in the name of parents.
Also, the O.B.C. category certificate should clearly indicate the non creamy layer, the candidate belongs to.
3. If after admission to a particular college, the student becomes eligible for a better college/course in succeeding cutoff lists, the first admission will have to be withdrawn and the college authorities shall return the certificates to the candidate with no delays.
4. If at any time, a student is found to be admitted to more than one college/ in more than one course, both the admissions shall be deemed to be canceled.
“It is indeed an informative exercise, clarifying the requirements and procedures of admission to the University. Something like this was required and had been missing, when my elder son was looking for admission here.” said, Ms. Sangeeta, the mother of an aspiring DUite.
The Open days go on for eight more days, with the next two days venue being located in the South campus.
For the detailed schedule of Delhi University open days and list of speakers, click here.
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