In a bid to cut down the time involved in issuing admit cards, Delhi University has decided to allow individual colleges to generate them directly. Through this, they seek to replace the long and often arduous process of issuing admit cards manually though the university.
To bring about this reform, a committee of several colleges has been formed. It includes members of Hindu college, BR Ambedkar College, ARSD and IP College, among others. Through this new system, colleges will have to create a database of their students, along with details from the time of admission till the time of the exams. This information will then be uploaded to the websites of the respective colleges. Thus, the admit cards will be generated from the college’s data base.
As of now, the practice of filling the admission form and the examination form has been in operation. However, this system considered flawed, as the forms contain similar information, except for some added information in the examination form, made the process repetitive. With the introduction of the new system, unnecessary paperwork is being targeted and should ideally be beneficial. Moreover, with the colleges being given the authority to issue admit cards, the long wait for the university to issue them will also be eliminated.
Said Radhika Wadhwa, second year student of Venky, “It will of course make our task easier as we won’t have to submit the same information over and over again and we’ll hopefully then be getting the admit cards earlier than before, because it’s difficult to collect them just a day or two before the exams.”
This new system will be in effect from the coming semester exams, which start in the month of November this year and colleges have already been issued a directive for the same.
Image Credits: Additi Seth
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