Welcome to the lusciously green and tranquil campus of one of the most prestigious colleges of Delhi, IIT. On the 20th of October, the ornamentally decorated and colourful environs of this college, would take you down the streets of fun unlimited. Greeted by robust sponsor banners displayed copiously all around, were the very proud sponsors and partners of Rendezvous 2012. The title sponsor of the event Micromax and the associate sponsors being Nimbuzz, Parle and .net made their presence felt finely with activity kiosks at every nook of the colossal campus. With an itinerary for the day which was mind boggling and a cheerily over enthusiastic crowd, the second day of Rendezvous kick started.
Absolute exuberance was displayed in all activities, whether it were the fourteen street plays performed by renowned DU colleges revolving around unambiguous social dilemmas like the acceptance of eunuchs in the society or other abstract themes of emotions like ‘fear’, or an event like the English stage plays, they were all greeted with extreme fervour and spirit by the students. A classical music performance by Smt. Sunetra Chakravarty, gloomed in hues of discontentment by the crowd, an offensive response which irked the performer to pits. But the most anticipated event of the day was a hilarious comic ride by the extremely popular stand-up comedian, Papa C J. If children were to be taught the definition of the state of solid, wherein atoms are tightly packed with no movement, the example of this auditorium where the ‘father of stand-up comedy’ performed shall not be given a miss. His effortless comic timing and synchronization with the youth furnished his gig, which rendered the audience in pangs of thunderous laughter. The auditorium reverberated with the cries of wholesome entertainment when ‘Papa C J – live and uncensored’ played to the field which is his absolute forte, and yes that is pretty much ‘uncensored’.
Kaleidoscope, the fashion event was the outright highlight of the day. With the perfect amalgamation of an apt venue, well synced lighting and a receptively aware crowd, the show swept the audience into another world. The event started with the choreography section. Herein, the first performance by Adagio, the choreography society of Kamala Nehru College which depicted the plight of women in our society and pledged for women’s empowerment was nerve shivering. It was followed by Hindu College‘s performance which celebrated the true spirit of life barring physical shortcomings. These were followed by a performance by NSIT College which well portrayed the rat race of human life and another performance by the host institute IITD which was deservingly applauded. With a series of activities that stand queued up for the glorified hours of the night at Rendezvous, we now depart till the coverage of yet another eventful day of the fest tomorrow.
Au revoir!
Image credits: Additi Seth
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