1. For the most consistent bunk-er: For those charitable students who sacrifice their seats in the lecture rooms and choose instead to disperse their pocket money among the poor, underpaid canteen employees. Long live their generous souls!
2. For the slowest canteen service: For those equally wonderful canteen employees who reward our generous souls with stale, half-cooked food that arrives just in time for said students to be forced to miss their class so the food doesn’t go waste.
3. For the most outrageous outfit: For those who got lost on their way to the circus/Fashion Week/zoo and somehow ended up in DU.
4. For the coolest campus pets: Gone are the days of sleek college kitties and loyal campus dogs who substituted soap and water for the used dishes. Say hello to piggies and baboons! Not yet trained to do the dishes, they come to the rescue when all other means of entertainment fail. It’s high time their valuable services got recognition!
5. For the wackiest textbooks: “Cultural Diversity, Linguistic Plurality and Literary Traditions in India” is part of the course for 2nd year B. Com (Hons) students. I think 5 marks should be allotted to the ones who get the name right.
DU Beat
Journalism has been called the “first rough draft of history”. D.U.B may be termed as the first rough draft of DU history. Freedom to Express.
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