5) Get back at your annoying roommate who habitually takes over your common bathroom to attend to her toilette by giving her a Holi-style makeover
4) Ask the hot girl next door out for dinner. If she snubs you, you can always say, “Well, thank god. I don’t like her at all. It was just the bhang speaking”
3) All the piggies who go without taking a bath all winter, here’s your chance to finally do so
2) Wear the frumpy clothes gifted to you by your nani/chachi/whoever and when they ask you why you’re never seen in them, you can make a sad face and tell them about how you wore your favourite tee shirt on Holi and your mean friends ruined it
1) Always had a secret desire to dance to weird Hindi songs? Here’s the perfect excuse. Now do yourself a favour and let’s play holi!
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