Delhi University recently released admission forms for its post graduation programmes. In addition, according to some new rules – marks which were only considered an important chore for the undergraduate courses in Delhi University, have suddenly gained importance.
A notification dated 31st January states, “All faculties and departments except the Faculties/Departments offering Inter-disciplinary or professional courses are to earmark 50% of the total intake to be filled by direct admission of the students of the Delhi University”. This new development which is effective from the academic session 2014-2015 brings a new bonus for the students completing their graduation from Delhi University as 50% of the seats are now reserved for them on the basis of marks scored in their BA course.
For students coming from other universities, that is, the rest of the 50%, there is to be conducted an entrance exam and/or interview. However, that does not mean that students of Delhi University who fail to fit the marks criteria won’t get admission, they can still give the entrance exam as before, so long as their marks in their B.A. course fill the required criteria.
Other details for the admission process in the notification are that all registrations are to be done online for which a common web portal has been created by the University starting from 10th March 2014 to 18th April 2014 (postponed according to a new notification dated 28th February) and the dates for entrance tests for the concerned courses would be held in between 1st June 2014 to 30th June 2014, the details of which will be available department wise.
The limitation to this new and sudden decision by the University is that this direct admission is subject to availability of seats which would be given to the first lot with the best marks. Now, students passing out this year and aiming for M.A. who until now did not take their B.A. marks quite seriously are finding themselves in a tight spot.
Courses that are offering this reservation are – Economics, Geography, History, Political Science and Sociology while others like Social Work, Japanese, East Asian Studies and Life Long Learning and Extension will be conducting their entrance examinations. Details of these examinations will be posted on the DU website ( when decided by the departments.
The links to the notifications are and