Haruki Murakami, an infamous Japanese novelist, always does justice to the expectations of his readers through his distinct storytelling style. The way his words transcend his readers into another world offers many worldly lessons we can learn from.
Murakami exclusively uses his talent to knit together a web of words that seem to make perfect sense and the analogies he incorporates into his work produce captivating narratives. His work encourages his readers to think about life and also, teaches them numerous valuable lessons.
Firstly, his ability to minutely grasp every detail and putting it on paper encourages you to experience your encounters meticulously. His work stands testimony to the fact that he is not afraid to try new writing styles. In addition to this, he teaches his readers to be keen about experimenting with life and keeping oneself above all others.
While many consider his writing style twisted and complex, some claim that the way he gives an explanation about relationships and paints a dreamy, yet completely real picture about them ought to teach his readers a lot. Gehna Kapoor, a student of SGTB Khalsa College commented: “Norwegian Wood, in particular, taught us how a person can love two people simultaneously.”
Secondly, his books shed light upon the depth of emotions that are felt by everyone alike. He often talked about loneliness and love that ran alongside each other in his stories. Murakami provides such surreal insight about life that turns everyone to think. In one of his books, he said: “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” His observance of emotions, particularly suffering, brings out narratives that teach everyone to be sensitive towards the feelings of others as well. Bhavya, a student of Daulat Ram College, says, “Murakami’s treatment of emotions is truly eye-opening and stark in nature. It compels you to introspect and look at them, in a new light.”
Besides his work, Murakami, in reality, follows an extremely rigid schedule that brings him discipline and he follows that schedule religiously. Murakami is also known for barely making any appearances in media and chooses to lead a simple life while calling himself a simple man.
Feature image credits- Paperback Paris
Suhani Malhotra