On March 7, 2024, a bomb threat call was received by Delhi University’s Ram Lal Anand College on Thursday, ANI reported. After receiving an alleged call around 9:34 am on Thursday, authorities swiftly responded, deploying the police, ambulance services, as well as Bomb Disposal Squads (BDS) and Bomb Disposal Teams (BDT) to the college premises.
In a video released by ANI, DCP South West Rohit Meena said that following the evacuation, the teams conducted a thorough search of the entire college campus. However, no trace of the bomb was found.
“We thoroughly searched the whole college campus after evacuating the campus. There was no trace of the bomb. Whoever has made that call, we are investigating it,” Meena told ANI.
As per the Hindustan Times report, another police officer told PTI that the call was made from an international number.
“It is suspected that some mischievous element made the call from an international number,” the officer said, adding that the police might register an FIR in the matter.
The officer said searches were conducted across the campus for at least three hours, after which the police declared the call a hoax.
In an interview with DU Beat, Gaurab Paswan, a student from Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College who was participating in a competition at Ram Lal Anand College, remarked on the calm and composed atmosphere amidst the unfolding events. He recounted,
“Around 9:30, as the competition was about to begin in the amphitheatre, a faculty member instructed us to evacuate and assemble on the front lawn. There was no sense of panic; we were simply directed to exit our place. Initially, we were advised to stay on campus and remain calm, but later, we were instructed to leave. As a result, our competition has been rescheduled.”
In an interview with India Daily, Mansvi Bangarh, president of the Ram Lal Anand College Student Union, stressed the immediate action taken by the college while also highlighting safety concerns. He remarked, “A mechanism for tackling misinformation needs to be developed.
Addressing security issues, he suggested,
“The college needs to install metal detectors at the gate and would also need a female security guard to make the security arrangements better.”
Continuing, he expressed his appreciation for the swift response by college authorities, stating,
“It was appreciable to see the college take the right action as soon as possible. Within time, police, fire brigade teams, and bomb squad teams were called to the campus.”
As per the News18 reports, the college principal, Rakesh Kumar Gupta, stated that regular office operations resumed once the police completed their search and confirmed the campus’s safety. “A staff member received a bomb threat via WhatsApp call on the number designated for broadcasting messages to students. We promptly alerted the police, and both students and staff were safely evacuated,” Gupta informed PTI. “The situation is now under control,” he added. “Office work has resumed, but classes remain suspended, and students have been instructed to vacate the campus.”
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Featured Image Credits: Ram Lal Anand College Website
Dhairya Chhabra