Keeping the recent atrocity in mind , the Dramatics Society of Lady Shri Ram College cancelled their theatre events Yavnika and Nukkad that are a part of the College’s Annual Cultural Fest, Tarang to extend solidarity to the students of Jawaharlal Nehru University, Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University, Shaheen Bagh, Kashmir, Assam, and all those who choose to break the normalcy and raise their voices against this fascist regime.
With the issue of a Press Release, the Dramatics Society of Lady Shri Ram College cancelled their theatre events, Yavnika and Nukkad that are a part of the College’s Annual Cultural Fest, Tarang. This was a conscious choice made by the entire society, given the current state, the nation is in and the discomfort with putting up a celebration amidst all that is going around.
Further, it is an action taken to break the normalcy of the situation and create a fissure in the daily lives of everyone involved in this process.
The Press Release issued by the Dramatics Society stated, “We as citizens and more importantly as students in these times, cannot choose to ignore the socio-political situation of this country, and the very fact that the democracy we so proudly uphold is in danger.”
Many societies in the Delhi Collegiate Theatre Circuit (DCTC) have issued solidarity statements against the state-sponsored brutality against students and for the protests against Citizenship (Amendment) Act.
Tushar Bahirwani, a member of Rangayan, Dramatics Society of ARSD, said, “It should also be noted that more than ever, it truly matters what we choose as topics of our plays. Street Theatre is a form of protest, with intense research and interpretation, it can definitely cause a change among the circuit as well. I might not cancel my own theatre fest, but, I definitely believe the content and topic of play should be widely considered as a parameter for judgement.”
Following this, The Dramatics society has chosen this as their way of showcasing solidarity with Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), Shaheen Bagh, Kashmir, Assam, and all those who choose to break this normalcy and raise their voices against this fascist regime.
In context of the theatre events, and what motivated them to take this step, Simran, Secretary, The Dramatics Society, said, “Motivation for this action would definitely be that, how uncomfortable we were with whatever was happening around us. Just at the time we were starting to prepare for our fest, and sponsorship and publication, that’s exactly when the JNU violence happened. And this cannot be the way we go forward a celebration, its not the times to celebrate. To all those students protesting and the ones sitting outside Jamia Millia Islamia, giving up on their education. It’s the least we can do to be part of this revolution.”
Saman Waheed, Subhead, FoodFest Team, Organising Committee, on the repercussions of their actions on the entire fest, said, “It affects the college in the sense that since this statement has reached mainstream media (a news piece was published in The Hindu, I don’t know about other papers), the sponsors and the vendors we have been in contact with would probably back out, because the footfall would decrease considerably in such a case. We only got to know their decision after their press release.”
With respect to this, a General Body Meeting (GBM) was conducted in the College premises to discuss this issue and it’s likely that the fest would be postponed.
Many also questioned the intent of the Dramatics Society to truly contribute to the protest, as they have cancelled their event, however, might compete in fests of other colleges.
In response to this, Simran, replied, “We have not decided our stance yet. We will let all know soon.”
A proper statement regarding the future of Tarang and the stance of the society is awaited.
The Press Release also stated, “This is also a call to the other teams and theatre societies across Delhi NCR to join in this attempt to echo the voices of this wide struggle.”
The cancellation will also be followed by small events and actions that mark their dissent, which they urge all to join in.
Feature Image Credits: DU Beat
Chhavi Bahmba
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