The admission process of University of Delhi for the academic session of 2019 has begun. With this, candidates applying for sports quota have the coveted seats up for grabs. The process is tedious and long, and requires the candidates to go through the requisite trials in their preferred discipline.
Here we will breakdown the whole process into concise steps:
The process begins with candidates registering themselves by filling up the online application forms available on the DU University of Delhi (DU) Undergraduate (UG) portal. They can apply for a maximum number of three games/sport(s). The candidates have to submit an additional fee of Rs. 100 to apply in the sports category.
The admission is based on two categories
1. Direct admission without Sports Trial
The candidate should have represented India in — Olympic Games (IOC), World championship or World Cup by International Sports Federation (ISF), Commonwealth Games by Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF), Asian Games by Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), Asian Championships (ISF), South Asian Games (SAG) by South Asia Olympic Council (SAOC) and/or Paralympic Games by International Paralympic Committee (IPC) to be eligible for this category. They should be recognized and funded by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports (MYAS).
- Admission On the Basis Of Sports Trial
The admission process under this category requires candidates to go through two stages:
- Merit/Participation Sports certificate for 40 marks
The candidates can upload their self-attested copies of three merit sports certificate. However, only the highest value certificate will be considered for the marking. The certificate should fall between the timeline of 01st May 2016 to 30th April 2019 to be considered. The minimum marks required to be eligible for the sports trial is 04.
2. Sports Trial for 60 marks
The three broad categories of sports in which participants can apply are: team games, dual and combat sports, and individual sports. The team games include Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Football, Handball, Hockey, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Netball, Softball, and Volleyball. The dual and combat sports include badminton, boxing, Judo, squash, table-tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis and wrestling. The individual sports include Archery, Athletics, Chess, Diving, Gymnastics, shooting, swimming and weight-lifting.
The sports trials will be held in the last week of June. The venue and the timings will be uploaded on the DU website.
The participant can only appear in one event/position/weight category and they should secure a minimum of 30 marks in the sports trials to be eligible for consideration in sports merit list, which will be further forwarded to the colleges.
The list of finally selected applicants will be displayed on the college website for three days. The marks of the sports certificates and sports trials will be displayed on the dashboard of the applicants as well. It is also mandatory for the candidates to submit an undertaking on Non-judicial Stamp paper of INR 100/- stating that he/she will play for the college and University during the course of three years.
Points to be noted:
- Admission of candidate is solely based on the availability of seats in a course in the college.
- An applicant’s name appearing in the sports merit list doesn’t guarantee admission in a college.
- Any grievances pertaining to the marks shall be addressed by the UG Sports Grievance Committee.
- Any injury/casualty suffered by the applicant during trial will be their sole responsibility.
Feature Image Credits: Akarsh Mathur for DU Beat
Antriksha Pathania
[email protected]
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