DUB Speak

Overwork and Frustration

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College is often described as a place that opens you up to a vast avenue of possibilities. But what is the cost of initiative?

An important realization in everyday life is that our proficiencies are varied. It is with this realization that we must wrestle with knowledge. There is always something to learn from every experience and from every person that we meet. But is there a limit to this learning? Is it somehow possible that in order to become the best version of ourselves, we sacrifice on our present not-so-perfect version? Is it true that pushing yourself to the limits yields the best results? Overreaching can sometimes inspire an internalized toxicity.


To allow a deeper exploration into our potential, we usually take up all the things that come our way. You cannot know what the opportunity means for you, what it might yield to your benefit after all, right? It is advisable not to retreat into inaction. It is your action which must be checked occasionally. When the quantity of your action does not yield the reasonable sense of satisfaction, it is time to be on your guard. This does not mean that one should give up on the task, but one should be in a position to analyze their own human resource investment, and if need be, reconsider this indulgence.


However, it is never that easy to give up on things. There is always going to be some level of discomfort in giving up things. In this, we are always on a certain creative verge. “What if tomorrow it becomes more rewarding?” or “What if some other job might be more challenging and less rewarding?” you might think. Do you give up things when they become challenging? Not initially, but gradually, when the exhaustion transcends the technical faculty and starts affecting your mental faculty, you can step back, and without any guilt.


“If you say yes to everyone, you will feel obligated to perform to satisfy their expectations. And no one is obligated to assist anyone. If you are not in your best, you can say no. It becomes the other person’s understanding that you rely on, when you say no. They should be able to understand if you are inaccessible, and there is nothing that you should be afraid of in that unavailability.” says Kalrav Vashishtha, an English Literature student at Hindu College, who manages to capture an important idea through this argument.


Saying no to some things really takes the frustration away. And the discussion here transcends to the idea of being emotionally unavailable for someone when they are in a bad mental state. Overwork is not only something which is caused by taking up too many projects, but also something which is caused by dealing with too many subjects at once. It is very important to waste some time on activities like stalking Kim Kardashian on Instagram. We do not realize it when we are engaged in a lot of jobs; there is always some task that pleads urgency. We do not realize the importance of ‘wasting time’.


Overwork or over-exhaustion due to work gradually leads to a constant state of frustration and fussing. There comes a point when everything that you do, for instance you write an article, frustrates you and makes you question your abilities. Short temper and eccentricity become a part of your emotional spectrum; a very unhealthy state of mind, that is. But it is important too, in that it makes you want to take a break. Step back. Relax. Say no to work. And keep up with your own self. Do what makes you feel passionate. Something for your own. It is not selfish. It is in fact, rewarding.




Feature Image Credits: The Nanjinger


Kartik Chauhan

[email protected]






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