Students of University of Delhi (DU) are well equipped to deal with the smaller version of end semester exams, but many a times, internal assessment examinations take a toll on our daily routine and social life, due to which, better time management is required.
There comes a time when a student’s schedule becomes packed with only assignments to be submitted, project presentations, and tests lined up back to back no matter how hard they try to negotiate with teachers to shift the dates. In even semesters, the crowding up of internal assessments drains the frolic and euphoria out of the fest season, when one has to compromise on their social life and devote time to complete the mundane assignments and projects.
To deal with the internals in a more comprehensive way, the realisation of the fact that internals definitely contribute in our exam grade point, but do not encompass the entirety of it is important. The end term examinations actually play the most significant part in the final grade point.
However, every internal exam test or assignment adds to the preparation for the final exams. Recalling the renowned saying,” A stitch in time saves nine”, and understanding this simple fact that the burden of studies is reduced if at least a few portions of the syllabus is prepared beforehand, is important. Doing the assigned project work with full sincerity and creativity adds to the critical understanding and analysis of the subject of study, and it also helps heed and further the interest of those who wish to pursue a career in academics.
The aforementioned advice is not unheard of. Mental preparation and recognition of what is required of one’s capabilities is imperative. Maintaining a healthy balance between our academics and social life in accordance with our sleep is also something that can help reduce stress and pressure that is caused due to these examinations. Studying for internal exams with proper time management surely adds to your knowledge bank and makes you better-armed to keep your sword ready for the final exams. Be smart, prioritise, and deal with them in a healthy way.
Feature Image Credits: Off-Campus Student Services
Oorja Tapan
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