On 31 January 2018, DU Beat organised Mushaira 2018 in collaboration with Hindu College. A literature and journalism fest, Mushaira also commemorated the benefaction of DU Beat as India’s largest student-run newspaper. The ceremony took place under the dignified presence of the esteemed administration of the University of Delhi.
Journalism requires the highest code of ethical conduct with integrity being its cornerstone. Student journalism, though sometimes considered irrelevant, is a creative pursuit of young minds who want to indulge into their campus surroundings and explore the innovative contours of their mind and their pens. Students, by traversing through layouts, stories, coverage, and graphics, learn to appreciate the spirit of integrity which is concomitant with journalism. With the DU School of Journalism being inaugurated this year, the University of Delhi has decided to shoulder efforts of student media outlets and presented its first-ever DU Chakra. The award was given to DU Beat on its completion of 10 years on 31 January at Mushaira.
DU Beat started as an experiment in 2007 with only a few print copies distributed at Lady Shri Ram College for Women and St. Stephen’s College. It achieved full shape in 2008, undergoing several shifts in form and display, be it through print or web. The team eventually came to consist of the University’s best talent as correspondents, graphic designers, photographers, and videographers, aided with a full functioning team of human resources and marketing from the various colleges of the varsity. The independent student newspaper went through its own trials and tribulations, striving to bring out the real and core issues of the campus and serve as the youth’s mouthpiece. Vineeta Rana, editor of DU Beat, thanked all the previous teams of the organisation for carrying on this 10-year journey. She also acknowledged this year’s team for bringing their creative energies together consistently throughout the year. Srivedant Kar, associate editor of DU Beat, extended gratitude to the administration of Delhi University for recognising DU Beat’s efforts as an authentic campus media outlet. Anagha Rakta, Head of Web at DU Beat, was almost in tears on stage while being handed the DU Chakra.
In his keynote address at Mushaira, Dr. Shashi Tharoor exalted the DU Beat team’s efforts and wished for another splendid 10 years of DU Beat at the University of Delhi. The entire team felt deeply moved, revered, and honoured with his praise and asked for his blessings to continue excelling in journalism.
With DU Beat completing a decade of youth representation, all members associated with it, both current and former, expressed their deepest gratitude to the platform and to the student population for building a space within the University to enact change.
Disclaimer: One of our most beloved features, Bazinga is our weekly column of almost believable fake news. It is only to be appreciated and not accepted!
Image Credits: DU Beat
Oorja Tapan
[email protected]
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