Multiple colleges of the University of Delhi have been accused of not hiring permanent teachers even after two years of completion of the job interviews, and not refunding the application fees.
In 2015, around 40 colleges affiliated to Delhi University published advertisements seeking the employment of permanent teachers claiming that the appointment procedure will be initiated soon. However, the recent release of fresh advertisements in search of employment in the same positions has angered many candidates as they have been asked to pay the application fee once again.
Academic Council member Hansraj Suman told Times of India “Around 40 colleges have put out advertisements for the posts of assistant professors.” Suman informed that the colleges have asked for Rs.500 from General and Other Backward Class (OBC) candidates, and a sum of Rs. 250 from Scheduled Cast (SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) candidates as well as handicapped applicants. This frustration among the applicants arises from the fact that the application fee which was paid by them two years ago has still not been refunded. The dissatisfaction is a result of the lack of action and results on the University’s side to carry out the appointment of permanent teachers after the interviews were initially conducted in 2015. On top of that, the candidates have been asked to pay the application fees for the same position they interviewed for previously.
Suman assured that the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Delhi University has been notified about this issue in a recent Academic Council meeting. Times of India reported that according to Suman, “The VC had directed the registrar to send notices to colleges that had not made permanent appointments and asked them to return the application fee to the aspirants”. However, the various colleges have not carried out any refunds yet.
Feature Image Credits: DU Beat
Bhavya Banerjee
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