According to a latest report by The Hindu, two DU students purportedly carried out robberies at the residences of two police officers in the high-profile area of Chanakyapuri. The three accused have been arrested for the same.
Two of the three accused, Rahul Sharma and Shravan Kumar Bharti, are students at Delhi University. According to the police, Rahul was aware of the absence of the respective families from their residences, considering which he hatched a plan along with the other 2 accused. They broke into the houses of the police officers and stole gold jewellery and other invaluables. A case under sections 380(theft) and 457(house trespass) in the Indian Penal Code has been registered against the three.
This is not the first case of crimes committed by DU students in the past year. In January, four DU students were arrested for robbing a delivery boy in North-West Delhi. The accused beat up the delivery boy and fled with all delivery items he was carrying.
Feature Image Credits: TOI
Vijeata Balani
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