Looks like Delhi University is in the middle of updating its curriculum for several courses. It’s only been a day since the speculations of Chetan Bhagat’s bestselling book, ‘Five Point Someone’s inclusion as English Generic Elective floated that another interesting addition (proposal) has also come to light.
According to a report in the Hindustan Times, Delhi University is planning to include ‘Facebook post writing’ as part of its English literature curriculum. This change was recommended by a core committee of the Choice Based Credit System at Delhi University’s English department. The proposed components will be part of the Skill Enhancement Courses. Alongside the Facebook posts, other generic but important and frequently used writing such as, blog posts and cover letters are also included.
The English department has sent the proposed changes to all colleges and the teachers are suppose to send in their feedback by May 1st. Since there is no particular plan on how to conduct the course, any further instructions will be given once initial feedback has been received.
Many people are critiquing the addition of Facebook post writing in English Literature on the grounds that this is juvenile and unimportant. Besides, Facebook is sort of an informal platform where people choose to express freely and therefore it is not feasible to add it in the academics. However, in their defense the core committee resonates that social media is an important tool of communication and it will advantageous for students to learn how to use it effectively.
On being asked about how this new step is going to affect the academics Dr. Siddhart Kanoujia of Hindu College said ” Important aspect is if we are making it a part of our syllabus then isn’t there a danger of homogenization and stratification in terms of correct language, grammar and other norms which the educator deems fit. I don’t think there is any intervention required except a few lectures on net ettiquettes, but then that doesn’t remain within the purview of academic writing.” He also said the attempt would turn futile because facebook is a platform that allows freedom of expression and this exercise would be imposing set of rules on written form which would create homogeneity and would turn out to restrict the freedom of thought.
Whether or not these proposed changes will be implemented or not, we will get to know only after the new syllabus is released.
Image Credits: Vanity Fair
Niharika Dabral
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