Campus Central

The Impending Aftermath of the Fest Season

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The even semester of University of Delhi is always jam-packed with a variety of events for students, most notably college fests. Our correspondent warns you about the post fest season blues so you know what to expect when you experience these withdrawal symptoms.

The buzz around fests in Delhi University begins as early as the New Year. The fests end sometime in late March, leaving students to face the reality of college and life after they have successfully escaped it for half a semester. In this scenario, the withdrawal symptoms that result from the end of the fest season can be all-consuming.

Fests give us the opportunity to get out of our own college and wander to others’ without feeling guilty about wasting our time. After all, the celebrities only come to star nights once a year, and it’d be blasphemous to miss out on seeing them perform our favourite Bollywood songs and EDM mixes. The problem arises not when we start missing our classes to attend popular events like Western Group Dance at a fest, but when we start thinking it is okay to do so on a daily basis. Once we’ve fallen into the trap of skipping classes and travelling to far away colleges just to investigate their food stalls like true critics, it is practically impossible to get out of this rut.

Couple this with the fact that with the end of the fest season comes with a torrent of internals and assignments, all to be submitted within days of each other. Not only this, but the semester exams seem to be closer now than ever, with only a little over a month of college to go before prep leave begins. Professors start revising their syllabi, and we’re still left wondering what the topics on our exam are.

The post fest season blues especially take a toll on our mental health as well. After weeks of attending events and experiencing that adrenaline rush, returning to mundane life can be depressing and heartbreaking. The mid-sem break acts as a buffer in this sense as we have a chance to come down from that high and brace ourselves for the regularity of college. It also gives us one last opportunity to party our hearts out, which was made possible even more so this year by the occasion of Holi at the start of the break.

Here’s to wishing you had the best for this last week of fests before the return to our standard DU lives!

Vineeta Rana
[email protected]

An enthusiastic Ravenclaw, Vineeta is a keen learner and does not shy away from expressing her opinions. Her passion for discussion around gender and sexuality is only matched by her passion for French fries and naps. To chat about these or just to say hi, email her at [email protected].

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