During the two day workshop on ‘Networking on Eco-Historic and Cultural Heritage of India’ at Lady Doak College, Associate Professor Vipul Singh from the Department of History, University of Delhi talked about the need for Environmental History to be a compulsory interdisciplinary course and also develop into a separate discipline in undergraduate and post graduate courses.
Lady Doak College has already been in the news numerous times for their plans to be a carbon neutral college and their zero waste policy amongst others. During his talk, Vipul Singh focused on the increased employment opportunities of the course along with how the subject can help tackle climate change. Explaining the interdisciplinary approach, he explained how a historian’s emphasis on tracing the past could lead to better environment conservative.
Environment History is the study of interaction between human and nature in the past, a rather new course in India that is currently included in the MA/MSc syllabus of History and Environmental History of University of Delhi but not as a separate discipline.
Source: Hindu, Times of India
Adarsh Yadav
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