DUB Speak

5 Best Poetry Slam Performances on YouTube

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The modern spoken word in the form of poetry slam is fresh and beautiful and hence, we compiled a list of the best performances of the verse on YouTube.

Of all the beautiful things in life, poetry seems to bring people closer together than anything else on the list. The way words turn and twist under a spell of emotions; just reading a piece is pure intoxication! But more beautiful than the written word is the spoken one and this is where slam poetry comes to our rescue. Poetry since its birth has always been written to be performed but somewhere down the line, we forgot the magic of a poetry performance. Thanks to the new trend, performing is back in the form of slam poetry and we couldn’t be happier!

We bring you a list of five top poetry slam performance that will definitely feed your literary side, even if you thought you didn’t have one.

  • “When Love Arrives” – Sarah Kay and Phil Kaye

Their beautiful soft voices, their chemistry and coordination and their power to remind us of love – these are the reasons why this performance is exceptional. Warning: you might cry.



  • “OCD” – Neil Hilborn

This beautiful poem about love, loss and psychological disorders is a must watch because of Hilborn’s magical performance.



  • “Black College” – Denver Team

A moving performance about racial discrimination by two poets who want to be treated simply as humans and not as “blacks”.





  • “Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them” – Brenna Twohy

This one is all about being in favour of our favourite thing – erotic Harry Potter fanfiction – and against our least favourite thing – the objectification of women in porn. Also, ten points to the poet for that amazing title.





  • “To the Boys Who May One Day Date My Daughter” – Jesse Parent

This poem brilliantly explains a father’s protective feelings towards his daughter in the most hilarious way!



Check out these pieces and dwell in the realm of the modern spoken word.

Anagha Rakta
[email protected]

Image Source: YouTube

Head of Web at DU Beat (2017-18), and a passionate writer from Miranda House, with a sweet tooth and a funny bone.

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