Hindu College saw hundreds of students descending on their campus for a conversation with noted filmmaker Anurag Kashyap. Hindu College’s Symposium Society hosted Update Democracy in association with Polit, which is an upcoming national polling platform, in the Ibtida laws on their campus. The event, held without much branding or advertising, was organised as an informal conversation between the filmmaker, who is noted for his standout voice on issues which often go unaddressed, students from the university, and members from the Polit team. Speaking to us before the event, a member from the Polit team explained the concept behind the polling platform and the urgent need for it in today’s world. The platform allows users to poll on any issue they want opinions on – from the Delhi government’s action against dengue and mosquito-related diseases, women’s issues to other global occurrences. What they claim sets them apart is the ability of the platform to also provide data on the demographics of who’s taking the polls. That provides clarity in the noise surrounding all issues – you not only get to know what people think about a particular issue, but also who forms the various sections who hold those particular opinions. They’re keen to involved the torch-bearers of contemporary India – the youth – to be more participative in important decisions and make their choices known, which was the rationale behind launching their platform at Hindu College to Delhi University students. [caption id="attachment_44980" align="aligncenter" width="960"] Update Democracy at Hindu College[/caption] Over the course of the event, Anurag and members from the Polit team talked to students about things as varied as censorship, finding the right career path, and stories from Anurag’s college days. Anurag sees potential in Polit as a research tool and as a platform that will give more perspective to the opinions society sees as ‘majority’ opinions. He spoke exclusively to DU Beat before the event (watch the interview) and said, “Right now, there’s a whole lot of chaos and a lot of noise and we don’t really know what people want. Who gets heard is decided by who’s the loudest – whoever can afford to create more noise, gets heard.” Anurag also reminisced his college days and recognised students as the most active participants of India’s democracy. Photos by Prateek Singh for DU Beat Shubham Kaushik [email protected] (With inputs from Aditi Tiwari, Miranda House, University of Delhi)]]>
Shubham Kaushik
Shubham swears by three Fs in life: Fall Out Boy, Feminism and Food, and hopes to combine them into an amazing book someday. Staunchly against heteronormativity and a believer in the power of hugs, she considers herself a pop-culture 'activist' and a crusader against the stigma attached to fanfiction. A student of Economics at Miranda House, she likes indulging in discussions about the fragility of money and the absurdity of life. Find her reblogging memes on Tumblr or drop her a word at [email protected] if you want to discuss bands, books or have a nice pun to share.
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