Delhi University (DU) has opened applications for Ph.D, M.Phil and Undergraduate Courses that require entrance tests. The registration process begins on 13th May, 2016 at 8 pm and shall continue till 31st May, 20116 midnight.
Basic Guidelines:
1. The registration process shall be strictly online.
2. The admission tests shall be conducted at six centers and will be in the Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Format (except Language papers like Persian which may include subjective questions)
3. The following details shall be made available to the applicants online:
(a.) Center Allocation
(b.) Admit Card
(c.) Entrance Results
(d.) Venue of interviews and group discussion
4. The submission of registration fees shall also be online.
5. Entrance examinations will be conducted at the following locations: Bengaluru, Delhi, Jammu, Kolkata, Nagpur and Varanasi.
6. The entrance test shall be of two hours.
7. The question booklets shall be bilingual wherever applicable.
8. All entrance examinations are likely to be held between 19th June and 23rd June, 2016.
9. Registration Fees:
(a.) Unreserved and OBC Categories: Rs. 500
(b.) SC/ST/PwD Categories: Rs. 250
Image Credits:
Arushi Pathak
[email protected]
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