“Exemplary are the lives of those who espouse the cause of our motherland and through their sacrifices, inspire generations for selfless and dedicated service to the nation,” said the Press Release by Delhi University on Martyrs Day celebrated on 23rd March. The University marked this day by opening doors to a room in the Viceregal Lodge, where Bhagat Singh was imprisoned for a day before he was hanged along with Sukhdev and Rajguru. The room was furnished by a cot and a picture of the revolutionary and contained works on Bhagat Singh and even handwritten letters by the fighter. The University invited hundred students from different schools for a guided tour of the room which has been kept locked since it was handed over to the University in 1933 and now houses the Vice Chancellor’s office. Vice Chancellor, Yogesh Tyagi said that the resource centre aims at making everyone learn from the lives of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and his fellow freedom fighters. He mentioned that the centre will be open to college students, research scholars and even school children who wish to learn from the works of the martyr and other scholarly works on him. It won’t, however be opened to the public. The University plans on turning it into a museum later on and make the resource available to students on certain selected days in a week. The Vice Chancellor, an alumnus of Jawahar Lal Nehru University when asked to draw comparisons between Kanhaiya Kumar and Shaheed Bhagat Singh said that anyone who fights for a just cause is inspired by the martyr. Bhagat Singh along with others revolutionaries threw bombs in the parliament to ‘make the deaf hear’ to avenge the death of Lala Lajpat Rai and JP Saunders. He became a symbol of standing up to the wrongdoings of the English government. Feature Image credit: thehindu.com Akshara Srivastava [email protected] ]]>
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