BITS Pilani recently conducted the BITS Open Sports Meet(BOSM), its annual sports fest from the 18th-22nd of September. The fest, in its 30th edition witnessed record attendance as well as participation. Colleges from all over India descended on the golden sands of Pilani to give stellar performances. Many new sports events were added to the itinerary. BOSM also hosted its first ever prof-show, a music concert by the immensely popular electro- indie band “The F16s”. The organizing clubs and departments then kept the crowd entertained with numerous fun games and events- like Human Foosball, zorbing, street football and Anti-Chess. The renewal of the LAN gaming competition was a hit as well, witnessing huge crowds either to play or just enjoy the action!
Several colleges from DU had participated in BOSM this year. Shri Ram College of Commerce clean swept all 3 categories in the Chess competitions. The basketball teams from SRCC also put forth telling performances on the court and deservedly won the boys’ event and narrowly lost out in the finals in the girls’ event. The boys beat the equally amazing Hans Raj in the final. Sri Venkateswara, or Venky as their fans here called them, comfortably won the football event beating BITS Dubai in the final.
The fest was a roaring success, right from the opening ceremony to the finals on the last day, everyone who attended had been thoroughly entertained. The rain, as is customary during every BOSM, tried to throw the spanner in the works on the opening day itself, but the sheer enthusiasm of the audience and the resilience of the participants and the organizing committee was enough to chase the clouds away and BOSM went off just as planned.
How the fest betters itself next year, only remains to be seen.The success it had this year was unprecedented.
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