Archon – the Leadership Cell of Motilal Nehru College is registered as a unit under Wirtschaft, Economics Society of the college. It was formed with the purpose of developing leadership skills, soft skills and confidence amongst students in the University as a whole. The Leadership Cell recently organised its ‘Activity Series’.
The First Activity day, consisted of three activities, which saw participation of around 50 students from Motilal Nehru College and 2 more participants from two other colleges. The day was kicked off with Activity 1 that demanded every participant to stand by a quote that was used in a video. They were later asked to come up on stage and express their opinions on the quote.
The video was of Steve Jobs’ Stanford commencement speech which is considered to be an extremely motivating video available on YouTube. Many students had a lot to express about their experiences related to the quote.
The second activity, consisted of students getting chits with numbers on them. Each number had a duplicate and the participants carrying matching numbers were asked to sit with each other. Each team of two, was given 5 minutes to get to know about the person sitting next to them. After the designated time, each member came up on stage to talk about their allotted co – participant. This activity was followed by a mock personal interview session which was received well by all the participants.
The Leadership cell plans to conduct seminars once a month, which shall be presided over by eminent personalities who have achieved a lot in their respective fields of life. There shall be weekly activities to nurture the skills of the students and to provide them with the confidence they require to pursue their goals.
Pratham Sawant and Mitali Sharma, founders of the cell said, “The need for such a cell is that students these days are completely focused on textual knowledge. However to crack any competitive exam or to start any venture confidence, perseverance and soft skills are a minimum requirement. We intend to eradicate this lacuna through our cell and we are certain that our intent can prove to be useful to a lot of students.”
The cell believes in universal growth and invites students from all across the University are invited to participate. The cell also aims at helping a lot of individuals in the improvement of their social skill.
Image Credits: Archon’s Official Facebook page
Ishaan Sengupta
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